CatfishBilly's 400w sog soil grow. 2011


Active Member
Alright Catfish, looks like you got a lot more than nothing going on....your babies are asking to be fed. But they look great, just up the nutes a bit next feeding. How many ac units are you running it looks like 2? What are the room temps without the light on? With dedicated ac units heat should not be an issue.... The co2 has to be at a consentration of at least 1000ppm to help with high temps, outside air is 300ppm.....I run mine at 2000ppm. I like what your doing man, you should hit your goal easy.....


Active Member
Alright Catfish, looks like you got a lot more than nothing going on....your babies are asking to be fed. But they look great, just up the nutes a bit next feeding. How many ac units are you running it looks like 2? What are the room temps without the light on? With dedicated ac units heat should not be an issue.... The co2 has to be at a consentration of at least 1000ppm to help with high temps, outside air is 300ppm.....I run mine at 2000ppm. I like what your doing man, you should hit your goal easy.....
Ok, i used plain distilled water last time after transplant, wanted them to get some roots on the soil (not used to using good soil) Next watering, should be tomorrow night, ill hit them with 1k ppms of my BMO Grow It Green 5-2-5 ;]

Running one ac in the window of the room with the veg cab, (soon to disconnect the hose and have 3 125 cfm fans moving shit around in there, like i did last grow(fans burnt up)) I am also running the one i converted inside of my flowering chamber. But i only want to use that one in emergency's/heat spikes.

Ok, so no co2 this cycle, gotta figure out these temp problems. No central air, just a "hotel" unit in the living room and one in the bedroom(veg cab) cooling the house. I think once i disconnect the one in the bedroom from the cab, ill be able to run it more without freezing my plants.

I am only aiming at 2-4 oz a month, dont want to be greedy but its the only medicine that works for my ailments. So therefore i consume a lot, blunts at the house, and edibles when i am out somewhere. The prices of mid-grade seedy pot around here have went up 200%, costing me 4-5 hundred a month for meds. The good is too expensive and that brick crap i wouldn't let my enemy's smoke. I will prevail.

Thanks for the tips, and for taking the time to help. Id give you rep, if i didn't already earlier.


Active Member
You got it a little tough with those window units having to pull double duty, but your on the right track with air flow, can't have too much, that's the key...About 10 degrees ambient above room temps is doing well for the 400...What are you doing about odor? Sounds like somebody's trying to rip you off a little on the retail prices, 200 % ? What does a gram of good meds run?


Active Member
You got it a little tough with those window units having to pull double duty, but your on the right track with air flow, can't have too much, that's the key...About 10 degrees ambient above room temps is doing well for the 400...What are you doing about odor? Sounds like somebody's trying to rip you off a little on the retail prices, 200 % ? What does a gram of good meds run?
As far as odor, I have a carbon filter to hang in there, i just wanted to wait until late flowering to use it. Not that i need it. But a precaution is a precaution is a precaution....

20-35 a gr is normal for "name brand" pot if you will, and its about as rare as a solar eclipse.


Active Member
So my experiments concluded that the AC in the flowering room is not needed!! 12 strait hours at ~82!!!

So heres my dilema, I have decided that since temps are good, I want to do a two plant scrog. It seems that that would be easiest on me. The thing is, ive never had to show sex on a plant and reveg. So not sure what the best method of doing it.

Here are my options,
1. Change the light cycle on my veg chamber until i find sex of 4 strong ladies. Scrog 2, and keep two as mothers.
2. Throw 2 in there and prey. (How hard are they to remove from the screen?)
3. Throw all 6 in the flowering room and wait till they show, then leave 2 in there to scrog, take whatevers left and reveg for next round.

Am i missing anything?

Also, i was preparing some water for next feeding. Trying tap water this time..
Tap water = 140ppm 7.0 ph left out for a few days to evap chlorine.
Added nutes to 900ppm and then tested the ph, it was down to 5.5

Tested some distilled water on the soil. The soil runoff was giving it a 0.8 drop in ph.

So i put in enough ph up to bring it up to 7.5

Checked ppms again.... 1300 ?!

I only wanted to go to a 1000ppm.. What do i do now? dilute it with more water? or use it?

Some progress pics tonight. Thanks for the interest and help.


Active Member
Hey Catfish, congrats on the temps, believe me I get it....Flower all of them and then cull the males out....They will do great under the cfls to sex them, they are still young and tender, but if they look a little wispy thin when they start stretching you can always switch to the hps...Just be sure the ph up or down is mixed up really well before you feed them they will burn easy......You should be fine with the feeding....


Active Member
So, still having trouble with the ph. Came to the conclusion that my ph up was old and bad. Cant figure these things out for some reason.

I tested my distilled water, it said that it was 9.0
Calibrated my meter.
retested at 9
Assumed they were correct
Put in nutes to 700ppm
Ph is now 5.7
Added my ph up to 7.3
PPM went up to 900
Sound right to you?

Or should i not worry about the ppm after i add ph up?
Theres gotta be a simpler way, i dont know how many times i hear people say that they dont even use a ecs meter or ph meter and been harvesting great yields for years.

Pics coming soon.. anyone have thoughts on this?


Active Member
ANTS!~!~ little tiny ants!! should i be freaking out or chill, when they go to there dark period i am going to put them in flowering chamber while i bleach my veg cab for 6 hours.. gotta go get some sticky strips to put in there, OMG, i hate bugs.........

EDIT: Pictures

Here for the past few days ive been seeing ants around my place, but these ants in my cab are very tiny, the ones in my kitchen are huge as far as ants go.!~!~ Not sure if they are the babies of the big ones.. but theres quite i few, i killed about 20 with my finger, cleaned the area, put plants back, 20 more were crawling around.

Suggestions please~!


Active Member
Been messing with photoshop. Huge picture update, a lot of them were dark, but looked ok, so i upped the brightness and lowered the contrast. Tell me what you think.

Group shots,

My cheese is a little younger than the others, looks good tho.

Sorry about the pic dump, i think i am in love with the models. :lol:


Active Member
got the veg chambers new fans all installed and looking good, mylared the walls on the bottom. Moved the older six plants into the flowering room, and they are loving the hps. Still have to seal up the ceiling tiles and the bottom of the false wall. Temps are GREAT, and air movement is almost too much. Pictures here in a few when i find something i can steal the batteries out of.


Active Member
Something to listen to....


Couple pics from the move...

And my temps in flowering room...

I picked up some Alaskan fish fert today, going to do some research on dosage recommendations. Also purchased a vertical osculating fan.

On top of that, took me 4 different super stores, went to a small ace hardware and what do you know, they didn't have much but they did have the lime i was going to order. Wanting to mix it with my soil when i transplant into the 5gal bags, need to research that also.

Plants are doing great. Cant wait to sex them up... lol hoping for a 3some.


Active Member
Love your setup and plants are looking awesome. Moving all of that is going to be fun :D
I know, but the place i am moving to is next door to my mother and father, and where i grew up. So it doesnt matter the work i need to do, what needs to be done, will be done. In fact ive been saving boxes for 2 years, gonna start packing now, and i have a month still. So yea, fun fun fun. That and i took a second job to help me pay for all of this fun.


Active Member
Day 3 of flowering, no signs of either male or female, i think the tall one in the back-middle is a male... not sure yet. Few more days.

Lost a plant in veg, was watering and it tipped over breaking the main stem on my hand when i tried to catch it. Taped it, 3 days go by, didn't look well, so i went ahead and lightened my load.

In flowering room leaf tips are curling downward, gotta see what the plant is telling me, even though the plants look good.

Its starting to get crowded in there, need to get them males, then will have plenty of room.(even though they are setting on a nightstand type thing, could just move that and use the ground) I will build a staircase 3 levels high, youngest ones in the back when i get my new space. That way i can harvest the fronts, rotate them downward, and add more to top row.

Anyone with experience on this, ive searched and searched.. Question is, is there a yield difference in how long in between harvests? Like would i get more if i harvested every month, or every two weeks? Or is that just number of plants thing.

I am trying to get a schedule down, but i cant seem to pinpoint the time a rooted clone needs to flower before finishing. Ive heard 4 weeks, ive herd 8.

I know there's not a lot of hype for this journal, so i guess i shouldn't expect my questions to be answered with haste. Thats ok. I can still use it for my records, and someone can look back and learn like i have with many other peoples grows ive sat and read to there entirety. I think i have read more grow journals than books in my life.

Here are a couple pics, cam died again, got to get some decent rechargeable batteries.....

This was right before a watering, i like to dry out the soil in between to make the roots stretch.. When they perk up, ill post another pic.
