Catholic church exposed...again


Well-Known Member
So, it's that time of year again! Another sex scandal rooted in a religious instituion...this years winner is the catholic church. They're always a big favorite to win the title for biggest fucking fraud of all time. It's the biggest ponzie schem ever... Bernie madof x 1,000,0000,000.
So it turns out there was this priest who was RAPING DEAF CHILDREN and the pope (who Catholics say is the representative of god on earth and infalible) knew about it and kept it quiet. How many more of these incidents happened that we don't know about? The truth is the catholic church has sanctioned the sexual abuse of children since it's beginings. They're behind some of the worst atrocities in recorded history and people continue to buy into their religious nonsense and pledge their allegience all in the name of god. The fucked up thing is when I heard about this story I wasNt even suprised...the pope was in the Hitler youth afterall. when will people finally say 'enough' and form their own beliefs and their own philosophies? What has to happen for people to finally wake up and break free from this obviously corrupt, disgusting organization? And for the record I'm not bashing Catholics, Jesus or god ( the latter of the two I don't really believe in anyway). And before you tell me "you spelled this or that wrong smart guy", I already know. It's 4:30 in the morning, I'm baked and I wrote this whole thing using my phone.


Im all for you in what you sayin (sans belief as i believe in god but not jesus). I always thought that religion was dangerous because that is why nations are split and wars start, over whose savior really saved them. Do away with it and the world would be a great place (Along wit marijuana so everyone would be happy and shut the fuck up about this dumb shit :)


Well-Known Member
im no fan of the catholic church or the pope, but give the guy some credit.... he wasnt a nazi. he was conscripted into the hitler youth (it was the law, you didnt have a choice) after, when he was too old for the hitler youth, he was released from service and then drafted. his military career from that point on is not remakable at all, he served in several locations (none of them front line or combat posts, mainly guard duty) before deserting in the final weeks of the war like thousands of other german soldiers.

now about the child abuse.... thats a whole other story. but dont call the guy a nazi, thats just plain wrong... in some places you could be sued for it.. its called libel


Well-Known Member
im no fan of the catholic church or the pope, but give the guy some credit.... he wasnt a nazi. he was conscripted into the hitler youth (it was the law, you didnt have a choice) after, when he was too old for the hitler youth, he was released from service and then drafted. his military career from that point on is not remakable at all, he served in several locations (none of them front line or combat posts, mainly guard duty) before deserting in the final weeks of the war like thousands of other german soldiers.

now about the child abuse.... thats a whole other story. but dont call the guy a nazi, thats just plain wrong... in some places you could be sued for it.. its called libel
I didn't say he was a Nazi andi don't presume to know how he really feels about the slaughter of over 10million people. I'm just saying that when it came time to chose a new pope the catholic church shouldve passes over the guy who used to goose step and throw up hail hitlers. Not that any other guy wouldve been any better. They all know that their fellow priests have been raping little kids and instead of doing anything about it they keep it quiet and then have the balls to tell everyone else what's moral and what isn't.