Catmando's First Ever Grow!


Well-Known Member
Okay this is my first grow that i have ever attempted, I live on a farm of about 1000 acres in Minnesota. I have been a member on this site for a few months and have read everything i possibly could. I have constructed a stealth grow box that is nearly undetectable to start vegging in since MN has such a short growing season. In February i placed an order at Attitude Seeds. About three weeks later a small package arrived with my name on it.

On the 15th of March i planted 3 AK48s, 3 ATA Tundras, and 3 Shortryder seeds.

i plan on growing these in my closet grow box until mid May or when it is warm enought to safely plant them outside.

I'll post pictures as soon as i can!!

ak.jpg AK-48

ata.jpg ATA Tundra

sr.jpg ShortRyder

nl.jpg Also with my purchase from attitude they tossed in a few free seeds, this is a Norther Lights that they gave me for free!! :)

As you can see, some are larger than others, the three largest ones sprouted in less than three days after they were planted. No paper towel germination or cup of water, just straight into the soil. The smaller ones sprouted in about 5-6 days and the Northern Lights seed was planted on the 25th of March so SHE'S only 4 days old. ARENT THEY BEAUTIFUL!!



Well-Known Member
I'm excited for you, research yields results, so glad you read a lot. I'm germing my Attitude order April 1st


i've always been cautious of seed banks but wow i may have to invest next yr. Have you scouted any possible lots yet? good luck


Well-Known Member
Yeah Attitude is totally legitimate, i was extremely nervous about it too. But just pay the extra money for the stealth shipping and you get a nice T-shirt and you'll be just fine.

Ive got 3 good spots picked out to grow, one is a grassy pasture with small 4-6 foot junipers growing. Another is surrounded by a ring of oak trees, and the last is near a windbreak of trees just off of a small slough/pond


Well-Known Member

Well i had a mishap with my lights yesterday, the clasp that i use to hold the lights up let loose and one of the bulbs sat on this poor AK48s for about 10 minutes, it got rather severely burned. I was really sad to see this, I had been doing well so far and hadnt made any major mistakes. This was one of the largest plants so far. I hope it recovers!


Well-Known Member
well i now know why anybody who has been killed and buried in the woods is buried in a "shallow grave". i began digging my holes for my plants today and holy shit does it suck!! its a cool Minnesota spring day about 65 degrees and i was sweating like a hooker in church! the soil was so thick and wet and dense and full of roots! i spent two hours digging and only finished one hole! the hole is 4'Wx3'D and it wiped me out! i cannot imagine having to dig a human sized hole, and ive got seven more holes to go!


Well-Known Member
Update: One month since seed

frog.jpg I was looking for the grow big liquid fert. but all the nursery had was big bloom so i got this, its the same NPK as grow big but ive just gotta make a tea out of it to use it

frog2.jpg These are my beautiful baby girls

frog4.jpg These are my 3 short riders

frog3.jpg This is the one lonely Northern Lights

frog6.jpg These are my AK48s they are the largest of my plants but as you can see the middle got in a scuffle with one of my CFLs and she got burnt a while back but she has recovered wonderfly

frog5.jpg These are my 2 ATA Tundra, i planted 3 seeds but one didnt germinate

They all look rather yellow in the pictures but that is because the lighting is bad i guess. They are quite green in real life :)


Well-Known Member
Update-51 days since seed

My plants are looking kinda rough, the bottom leaves are all dieing off and even the tops are starting to get a little brownish

Im almost certain that its not nute burn since i have fed them very dillouted doses of fish emulsions and the happy frog fert. i have only fed them twice

i was kind of thinking that it could be the pH since it was between 7 and 8 but i have recently bought distilled water and the pH of the runoff is now between 6 and 7

the temps of my box stay in the high seventies and never get above 85 degrees, the humidity is about 20-30%

i am using jiffy seedling soil

4 26watt 6500k cfl

2 13 watt 2700 cfl



Well-Known Member
Jiffy Seed Starting mix? That stuf is like 60/40 peat and vermiculite...It has NO nutrients in it whatsoever, and you've only fed them 2 very diluted doses of nutes in the past 51 days? They look like holocaust victims...I think they're starving to death. The reason they're turning yellow at the bottoms and dying is because your plant needs nitrogen, and is feeding off itself...Like those starving kids in Africa with the pot bellies, they're eating the nutrients in those bottom leaves to keep the top growing, which is why the bottom leaves are dying off.

This is just my opinion, and I might be totally wrong. I don't actually know anything about MJ or growing it, so I really recommend you do some research offline, maybe look in a growing book, because speculative advice can only go so far in this crazy mixed up world.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea usually a N def. will start at the bottom and work its way up like that...the food could be there but if your ph is too far off the plant cant absorb what it needs.

ive never seen anybody grow with that acid loving mix...maybe thats the start of your prob right there

good luck


Well-Known Member
i dont think that the happy frog fert is the cause of this, the bottom leaves were drying and dying before i fed them with it.

Ill try feeding them more, but i cant feed them till the soil drys out because i dont want to overwater them

it sucks cuz overfert, underfert, underwatering, overwatering, and bad pH all have somewhat similar symptoms so its kind of hard to diagnose haha
Have u transplanted yet? That can also be a reason they are turning yellowish. I have some state tundra going too. It's close to being done but the lights I use are t5 fluorescent bulbs. It's taking voodoo long though. Upgrade will be needed for the next grow.o