Catt's Bubblelicious Grow ~ 500w of CFL and 10,000w of LOVE!!

Very cool catt my friend and the girls are looking very hot. I have five mixxed femmed girls started for the great outdoors but I'm thinking on finishing a couple of them under the CFL's. I'm second guessing trying to grow outdoors where I live now. The freakin burbs with all it's people is giving me the creeps and I have had plants stumbled over in the past.

Your updated closet seems to be working like a pro. Before long your gonna have two successful grows under your belt and think it's easy. I just hope you dive right into grow number three and keep the ball rolling. I can smell bubbles from here!! Rock on sister from the north. :D
your plants look amazing , always underestimated the power of CFLs .. I think i will be using them in the near future

Keep up the good work :bigjoint:
Nice plants there stranger..
I hope all has been well for you, and everyone else ( you know who you are)
Have to apologize for disapearing so abruptly. Its personal to me why I had to.
but I am glad to be able to say to all those who I have met on here that I didn't just getup and leave you all
I have stopped on once or twice before looking at whats been going on but was not upto responding to anything.
Who knows maybe someday I will be able to do something again (my bud still has my strains alive).
I am now well enough to come back and say hi now and then though and live vicariously through your gardens.
sending you all my best wishes for now
Catt your plants are looking absolutely amazing! Very well done! I have been in OH the last 10 days and am spending the night in KY on my way home. While in OH I added 2 250 watt Feliz CFL and 2 reflectors and 4 ratchet doo-dahs to raise and lower the lights...naturally I counted poorly and needed 6...I'll have to buy 2 more. Taking a list of forum volunteers who want to help set this up LOL. When we're ready I'll have a lot of pix starting with all the boxes and the set up :)
I just edited...ordered an Danby DPAC13012H 13,000 BTU portable A/C on line and on sale...not too much more hardware to get now.
Nice plants there stranger..
I hope all has been well for you, and everyone else ( you know who you are)
Have to apologize for disapearing so abruptly. Its personal to me why I had to.
but I am glad to be able to say to all those who I have met on here that I didn't just getup and leave you all
I have stopped on once or twice before looking at whats been going on but was not upto responding to anything.
Who knows maybe someday I will be able to do something again (my bud still has my strains alive).
I am now well enough to come back and say hi now and then though and live vicariously through your gardens.
sending you all my best wishes for now

Really, I thought you just packed up an left. Good to see you back
having just read the whole post history I have to say I am impressed. I did my first grow CFL 24000 lumens in veg and flowered outside. I eventually went 400w hps and saw the electric bill shoot way high, heat going back to cfl and this little grow of yours inspires. I did bring in lights for the lower part of the plants as it got very dense in there (4 x 6 x 3.5 closet space with white widows (3)) which helped i think. Anyways a very sweet journal and so nice to see the support you have here.
I have so much catching up to do.....KRONNIX ;) It made my day seeing you stopping by to say HIGH :) I'm glad your well again!!! YAY!!!!

OK, long story short........
had to fly to a far away land (home is where the heart is) unexpectedly, came back with a lot of Nana's wool sweaters, 1 plant with nanners and a mag def. Update shortly once I figure out what day it is and what is going on!

We are on week 7.5 flower now so I hope you all are ready????
Damn nanners poppin up Welcome back, hope everything is good for you, Lookin forward to a picture review with lots of big bud in them.
I just knew them fuckin nanners would pop I took the she-male down before those pods burst open and shimmed the entire crew :o It was sad but I knew it needed to be done, and done fast. She smells just like blueberries and I steam dried a bunch (best quick dry ever). She's really smooth and gives me a nice giggly, creative, talkative high. Overall I'm pretty confident I caught her in time, only because I was really, really, reeeeealy looking for them., maybe I stressed them out by looking for nanners :o Anyways, here's some pics of her/him....100_6370.jpg100_6371.jpg100_6376.jpg100_6377.jpg stupid hermie!!!!! I'm gonna steam dry half of you in the microwave so I can smoke you while I wait for your sisters ;)

So 7.5 weeks flowering....I'm glad to be back home yet sad to see I have a mag def. :( My fan leaves are yellowing and falling off the 2 larger girls :( All I can do is try to correct the problem and hope they make it another few weeks with a few fan leaves intact :o Everything is sooooooo crystally and shiny, the stems smell like a freshly opened roll of lifesavers sitting on a bench at a herb garden :)
Hope they make it a few more weeks.........1/2 oz seaweed and h20 only.....gotta check my ph next water and see WTF? I can tell it's just getting worse and I'm gonna lose my fan leaves :(
Not sure how much longer now.....2 weeks maybe!! YAY!!!! Getting excited to see how sticky it's gonna be when it's all cured.....and hope it smells like bubblegum cuz it sure does smell like cotton candy meets lemonhead, basil!!! OK, enough are the pics, keep toking it up everyone and thanks for sticking around ;)

with root aphid, when you water they will come to the surface, and crawl all over the soil, hundreds of em, but wont go on your plant. i laid sand down and that gets rid of them, yours looks like a little heat stress and overwatering, thats what one of the plants looked like when i got back , it didnt have root aphids but he overwatered and didnt pull the lights up
Catt, if I ever got married again (been with #3 for over 30 years now) I'd want #4 to hold a bouquet like the one you had in your hand :)