Caught Growing! PC Setup?!


Active Member
Okay, I still live with in my dad's home and decided to grow and started growing a week into this year. The problem is my father found out of my grow cabnit, (not by finding it) but by word of mouth of a bitch, long story, not explaining.

After coming back from college (community college), I was informed by my sister that he found out (text message) , and when I got home, he told me to get them out of the house. (Background info about my father, he smokes pot but "hides it" and believes that no one in the family knows)

We talked about it for a minute on our pool deck and he told me to get them out of the house and told me to plant them in the back yard. (Which is only 3feet since the pool deck.) Very funny... since I'm guessing he wants the plants?

Anyways, I'm now planning on doing a micro grow in a pc case and would like to get some opinions on the following:

PC Case:
Note:I'm removing the WHOLE CD Drive holder to make room in the case

New Fans x2: (x1 Intake x1 Out):

Light proof: By lining all sides with a "Sun Reflector" used on cars dashboards. (Is this going to prevent all light leaks?) Applied with spray glue.

Light proof fan (intake): Using a Black Mesh HEPA-A Filter for intake on both sides of the intake fan.

Light proof fan (exhaust): HEPA-A filter with Walmart made carbon filter (the one made with active carbon and the pencil metal cans)

Light: X1 42Watt CFL Maybe more, depends.

*Just need advice on everything, such are the fans CFM enough for the case size and such! Specs of size of case and fans are on the links.

*Update: Also whats the best way to power the fans? A PC PS (power supply) is not an option. So does anyone know a product to turn a fan into a wall outlet plug or such? If not I have an old phone changer, here are the specs: Output:5.0V=350mA

*Could I use that phone charger, and if I could, to power one of the fans? or both.

Also are there any fan controls that are cheap online that I could order?

Please & Thanks


Active Member
i swear bro
that was my friends plan to do

but i'd say just use a tubawar tub
much easier to work with

but sucks about your dad lol
funny though


Well-Known Member
Dude, he doesnt want you growing in the house. Be a big boy, and Respect the fucking owner of the home. If the insurance is void because you have 2 little plants or whatever then he gets the blame, not you.

You might not want to hear it but just dont grow. You got told already.

You have 2 options. Sit down and have a Serious talk with your dad about it, if he says yes then go for it, if he says no then too bad.

Other option is to get your own place and not try to grow at your parents house....



Well-Known Member
Dude, he doesnt want you growing in the house. Be a big boy, and Respect the fucking owner of the home. If the insurance is void because you have 2 little plants or whatever then he gets the blame, not you.

You might not want to hear it but just dont grow. You got told already.

You have 2 options. Sit down and have a Serious talk with your dad about it, if he says yes then go for it, if he says no then too bad.

Other option is to get your own place and not try to grow at your parents house....

Absolutely.. don't hang your parents' ass out in the wind... Take your own fuckin' risks...:evil:


Well-Known Member
x3 ^^^^^^^^

your dad said put them outside
count yourself lucky and look after the plant with him
call it a bonding moment
then respect his home cause im sure everyones waiting for you to fuck up
and having mj plants stuck up your ass hurt
then maybe consider a outdoor gurilla grow and keep ur mouth shut
this way noone can prove its yours
and you can go big
loose lip sink ships


Well-Known Member
now i think back the same kinda thing happened to me
and after all the advice that was dont push ur luck
i did it again
and again
then my ass was kicked out
i was 17 and working so not the end of the world
so im not having a dip but just think


Well-Known Member
Dude, he doesnt want you growing in the house. Be a big boy, and Respect the fucking owner of the home. If the insurance is void because you have 2 little plants or whatever then he gets the blame, not you.

You might not want to hear it but just dont grow. You got told already.

1. Why are you getting angry? This dude is asking what he should do, how does he imply he doesn't respect what his father has told him?
2. He didn't get told not to grow, his father said grow it outside..

Anyways, IMO it would best for you to finish the grow somewhere else, not on your fathers property at all if he's gonna be fiending your buds.


Active Member
1. Why are you getting angry? This dude is asking what he should do, how does he imply he doesn't respect what his father has told him?
2. He didn't get told not to grow, his father said grow it outside..

Anyways, IMO it would best for you to finish the grow somewhere else, not on your fathers property at all if he's gonna be fiending your buds.
yup, sounds like he will be pinchin' yer' patch


New Member
what i dont understand is why do you still insist on disobeying him even though he said u can grow outside? JUST GROW OUTSIDE! and the whole "got back from college" thing sounds like a bs story because how would you grow plants and your away at "college".. did you really mean i was "in school" ( middle/high school ) and came home? I think so.. and the ppl posting about grow somewhere else cuz he wants ur plants sounds just as dumb and young as the OP imho..

crazy kids


Active Member
if I lived with my mom and she told me to grow out side (she prob wouldn't care if I grew inside since she's done it before) I would grow out doors but I would keep a small indoor grow. If your straped for money and can't get a place even though your working sell a bid of what you harvest and find your own place. When your able to find a place and move in then grow your own at the size you want (but don't be stupid about the size) and keep your lips sealed cuz if you tell any one that seal will spring a leak in your shit and it will go down slowly or fast


New Member
if I lived with my mom and she told me to grow out side (she prob wouldn't care if I grew inside since she's done it before) I would grow out doors but I would still keep a small indoor grow. If your straped for money and can't get a place even though your working sell a bid of what you harvest and find your own place. When your able to find a place and move in then grow your own at the size you want (but don't be stupid about the size) and keep your lips sealed cuz if you tell any one that seal will spring a leak in your shit and it will go down slowly or fast

wow thats some of the worst advice i think ive ever seen posted here. except the keep ur mouth shut part.. methinx u need to take ur own advice lol

wow the comeplete lack of respect and just plain old common sense of some young ppl today still amazes me even though ive seen a ton of crazy shit via the web..


Well-Known Member
I had the same thing happen about 12 years ago_Only my dad decided to screw with my head.I knew he spent all his time in the basement working.Well I came home one day & my plants were gone!After about an hour or so he called for me to come to the basement.He was sitting there with a smile a mile long asking if I was missing something?Scared as shit,I first told him I was sorry for growing in the house.He said the grow was not the problem.The set-up was.Then he pushed on the wall the damd door poped open!The old man had built a faux wall with a spring latch!It looked like the pearly gates of heaven when he opened it!And there set my plants under a 1000HPS system.This was a turning point for both of us.A big time bond.And to this very day the old man still works in his basement.Funny thing is my mom still has no idea of his secret garden.Even after 45 years of being together he refuses to share our secret with her.But every year she gets airline tickets for a vacation of her choice.And its always around harvest time,lol.Sometimes parents really do know best.


New Member
I had the same thing happen about 12 years ago_Only my dad decided to screw with my head.I knew he spent all his time in the basement working.Well I came home one day & my plants were gone!After about an hour or so he called for me to come to the basement.He was sitting there with a smile a mile long asking if I was missing something?Scared as shit,I first told him I was sorry for growing in the house.He said the grow was not the problem.The set-up was.Then he pushed on the wall the damd door poped open!The old man had built a faux wall with a spring latch!It looked like the pearly gates of heaven when he opened it!And there set my plants under a 1000HPS system.This was a turning point for both of us.A big time bond.And to this very day the old man still works in his basement.Funny thing is my mom still has no idea of his secret garden.Even after 45 years of being together he refuses to share our secret with her.But every year she gets airline tickets for a vacation of her choice.And its always around harvest time,lol.Sometimes parents really do know best.

wow thats so awesome.. It almost brought a tear to my eye lol.. +rep and thx for sharing lol


Active Member
That's what I would do but I'm not saying to do it. If you want to do it talk to your dad about it. If he says no then just grow out side. If you chose to not listion to just grow out side and decide to grow inside still against what he said then move out.

BTW my mom has had people living here that grew and she found out about it but was ok with it that's how i know she wouldn't care if I grew or not.


Active Member
Anyways, maybe I wasn't clear enough. I believe that my father told to to grow in the backyard for two reasons, number one: I can't get caught by the cops and I can't get all the blame since its in the backyard, number two: so no one in my family finds out, more or less my grand mother who comes and spends every weekend at our house. My dad wasn't mad about the grow, he just doesn't want me going to jail for 5years or whatever, but I am taking my own risk.

Also some more background info my cousin has a pretty big grow room and my father probably doesn't want to take the risk on me going to jail for five years, since his seen first hand of my cousin having to "hide his grow" when it got hot.

To the main point, this is why I picked a mirco grow in a pc case, he won't ever find out by it, he might see the case but he'll never think of it as more then a server or pc, since I used to have many of them before.

Also I already know how I'm going to harvest, cure, and such, that isn't a problem, just want some adivce on the grow case.

I wasn't asking if I should grow or not, I'm asking adivce on my grow setup, so if anyone wants to help me on that, I'll be greatful.