Caught Growing! PC Setup?!


Well-Known Member
I was kicked out of my pops for smoking and my moms for selling. It's WAY better on my own but it means you gotta work your ass off to juggle work, school and a girl. It's worth it though.

Respect the wishes of your parents. Rent free is not a bad deal....


Well-Known Member
Respect the wishes of your parents. Rent free is not a bad deal....
Exactly. Once you realize how hard and expensive it is to have your own place then you will understand why people wont recommend that Anyone grows in their parents house without permission. :-P



Well-Known Member
Thank you beginningbotanist420., and to the rest that have somewhat supported me.

To the people that are telling me not to: You people act like your agasint weed and growing it. My dad doesn't have a problem with it really, so that doesn't matter. And being caught is such a thing long way aways. I thought you too grow and don't care if its illegal, but I guess I was wrong. I thought you were people to help me, but put me down. I'm doing what I've planed on doing, and telling me not to, is a waste of time, either you can help me, or not.

Well dude, if you're dad doesn't have a problem with you growing then you won't need to worry about making a stealth grow in a PC case. But, if you still want some help setting one up, check out the DIY threads section of rollitup or even the growfaq up top.


Well-Known Member
What you showed will work, however make sure those fans run off of 12V DC due to that is what fans run off of.

Also if you plan on using CFL's get 4 of them, and glue a power strip to the side of the case and buy one of these adapters

Or do what I did and go with a 50W HPS here is a link, don't ask me how but that 50W HPS does get hot, here is a link and also you have to wire it yourself to a lamp socket cord

However at my local Home Depot they run $30 for a HPS light fixture.
Just do as your father says it not worth the risk if you are serious aboput wanting to grow see if you know someone who lives by themselves if they will do it if you give them a cut in it. or try and rent yourself or plant somewhere out the way and just look after it go back once every 2/3 days. just dont dis-obey him cos hell kick you out youll be homeless as well as cannabis-less so why go through 2 months growing/3 months growing just to be kicked out. it not worth it.