Caught this fucker in my shower...


Well-Known Member
I can imagine it, walking into a room with a huge web in there with that beast of a spider just chilling there in the middle of the web. you look down to the right and you see your cat stuck in the web. terrifying.


Well-Known Member
I can imagine it, walking into a room with a huge web in there with that beast of a spider just chilling there in the middle of the web. you look down to the right and you see your cat stuck in the web. terrifying.
i think it was the one of the Resident Evil games... i think they had HUGE mutant spiders... and you were in sewers being attacked by HUGE SPIDERS... freaky shit.


Well-Known Member
i think it was the one of the Resident Evil games... i think they had HUGE mutant spiders... and you were in sewers being attacked by HUGE SPIDERS... freaky shit.
AAH! couldn't handle it. have any of you seen that movie Eight Legged Freaks? the one with the enormous spiders eating everyone. THAT I wouldn't be able to handle for a second.


because of how ridiculous the circumstances are?
The guy fights a spider the size of his palm in Arachnophobia... for like... 30 fucking minutes... That made the entire movie funny.

Eight Legged Freaks was more comical, but still enjoyed the dirt bikes and that stupid ass chase.

usmc sniper

Active Member
what kind of spider is it?

my friend got bit by a brown recluse in boot camp and the venom from that ate a huge hole in his back...nasty... get out asap!


Well-Known Member
The guy fights a spider the size of his palm in Arachnophobia... for like... 30 fucking minutes... That made the entire movie funny.

Eight Legged Freaks was more comical, but still enjoyed the dirt bikes and that stupid ass chase.
haha yeah man that's true. but that spider was a quick mofo!!

and as for eight legged freaks, I don't remember much about the movie, but the circumstances were ridiculous. if I were to see giant spiders walking down my street, I'd just say game over and kill myself because life is not worth living with giant spiders walking around town that will more than likely eat you. some little kid and a guy that's upsessed with spiders can't kill off a whole town of giant spiders (is that even what happens?)


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it isn't a brown recluse. There has never been a verified BR colony in california. desert recluses are common, and i would imagine that mediterranean recluses would appreciate the climate here. Im betting on a desert recluse.

We've decided that the infestation occurred after the landlord did some serious gardening in our back yard. They let the grass and weeds grow to 4-5 feet tall this spring, and the first specimen was collected within a week after they cleaned it all up. I'm assuming they may have messed with a nest area, and sent the spidees searching for adequate shelter.

Moving is out of the question, as I just got laid off by a particular tech company that is currently reaping the financial benefits of the most popular mobile device on the market. Fuck them. they suck. wish they didnt make such great pooters. wanted me to move to texas at less than 1/3 of my salary. fuck you. anyhoo, i don't have a job, so finding a new place to rent is unlikely. I'm just gonna make the landlord figure something out.

Any lawyers here know if i can sue my landlord if i get bitten? he's been asked to seal the hvac many times, and we still don't have screens on our windows after more than a year of pleading...


Well-Known Member
This might be a bit off, but that looks like a spider we have in Aus... a huntsman.
Huntsman spider - Wikipedia
There are something like 90 different species, but none of them are venomous... well, not very at least.

Any chance it could have hitched a ride somehow?


Well-Known Member
The arachnologist i have been corresponding with assured me that this spider is a recluse, or more specifically, a member of the loxosceles genus. The only "Recluse" spider is Loxesceles Reclusa, the Brown Recluse. Many other spiders' common names include the word "recluse," like he Desert Recluse, Arizona Recluse, Mediterranean Recluse, etc., but the desert recluse is actually named Loxosceles Deserta.

Huntsman Spiders have a much different eye configuration. They have 8 eyes. Some are arranged differently than others, but they will never have 6 eyes arranged in sets of 3 dyads like loxosceles spiders do.


Well-Known Member
Well, if that's definitely the case and these recluse spiders have such toxic shit for venom, I'd probably be worried. If moving out is not on the cards, I'd be asking the owner to spray.

Your landlord should be responsible for spraying, shouldn't he?
And if he doesn't spray after you've asked, wouldn't he be liable for any medicals?