cavefest in carbondale IL


Active Member
who is going to 420 fest this year??!!?:joint: or has anyone on here been to any of the Cave events? really bad ass times, lots of hot ass candy girls(and girls in general), lots of cool people and any product is easily obtainable there also bad ass music from live bands and dj's. i usually camp out there the whole weekend, it can be rough not showerin for 3 days but its worth it..

check it out:

also you can go to youtube and type in cavefest and find some vids i have up and plenty of others from past events other people have put up


Active Member
well, theres usually lots of dj's playin techno and other music like it.. and then they have actual bands that play.. usually tribute bands for grateful dead and bands like that.... even aside from the music its a killer time.. theres so many different types of people there, and everyone is there to just have a good time.

look it up on youtube and shit


Active Member
they have an event called Underground Sound, its probably one of the biggest "rave" type events in the usa


Active Member
dude, its a great time, you dont even need "anything" to have a fun time.. and its not just dj's, they have separate parts of the woods they use, up to 5 /dj's bands at a time and none of the music overrides each other.. you can be at one end listen to a jam band, then a bluegrass band, then go and see two or three dj's tearin it up for all the rollers... and while you are walking to the different ends, you will see all kinds of people runnin around doin their game, walkin by you "nuggets, doses, rolls, boomers"...etc.. lol.. nugs are usually $60, doses are just shitty white/white cut paper.. probably 25-50mics, lol... the rolls arent bad, not sure on what kind of cuts(i dont do x)... boomers are usually alright, and sometimes you can score some molly... and always be able to get some yayo or even harder stuff... theres some tents all over setup with vendors sellin bowls, food.. basically like you would see at a carnival.. theres all kinds of hotties walkin around in skirts and shit, some even naked lol.. they candy girls have killer brownies and cookies ;)....some people dress up in killer freaky costumes and walk around, hell im goin as a glowstick person this will even see the owner drivin around in his truck or golf cart!.. and imagine this.. think of your typical fat SANTA at the mall(chubby, long white hair/beard, now picture his face red and wrinkly and fucked up on coke and geekin! lmao.. yeah, this dude is always wearin shorts and flowery t-shirts like he's at the beach, ALWAYS fucked up, and he grunts and shit at you.. its pretty bad ass. lol... nah its a great time, people literally come from all over the USA and i even met some from amsterdam and stuff..


Active Member
its a great time.. the catalytic souls was part of the shawnee cave festivals, but due to issues or whatever they arent going to be participating. but it should still be great...