(CBRN) Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear

Oh and your 'law school' failed you. Criminal charges are brought by the District Attorney's office, representing the welfare of the state and people therein. The police merely investigate and send recommendations forward.

That is still Law Enforcement, no one ever said Police. I wouldn't work for a Prosecutor, or any other form of Law Enforcement. They are just bad people.
You'll join the military but not local law enforcement? Want to explain that logic?
The Military would be a way to use my knowledge to help people and learn more, joining Law Enforcement would just be them exploiting my knowledge to oppress Americans.
Plus cbrn won't really be doing arrest so much except maybe terrorist and maybe drug labs. Also chemical spills and disasters
Plus cbrn won't really be doing arrest so much except maybe terrorist and maybe drug labs. Also chemical spills and disasters
I don't want to arrest anyone. The main thing I would get with CBRN is access to equipment, and training with it, that I otherwise wouldn't get. Then I could later start my own lab or something with people I meet.
You don't think the military does the same thing? Our modern police force is modeled after the military, their tactics and mentality.
Not really. Name one instance where you have heard of a Police Officer using cover fire to allow another Officer to move forward. And that's simple stuff.
I can show you where 2 people who had been in the Military were in a gun battle with Police and they were easily able to advance on them. But Police can't do anything like that.
True I was infantry I know the tactics by heart
America is all concerned with getting Veterans jobs when they come back now, and they act like it is because they like the Veterans, but it's actually because they used to come back to their home towns and teach the Gangs their friends were in everything they learned in the Military.
Watching this now.

But another reason I have thought about it is because while I was in jail fighting for my Religion everyone else hated being there, and most people I talk to hate jail, but I didn't. And I feel like going into the Military would basically be like Voluntarily going to jail, except they teach you some stuff and they have better lab equipment than I would even be able to use in a college lab, and I don't even want to go to college. Maybe to study Anthropology, but not for Chemistry and not for a Degree.
That is still Law Enforcement, no one ever said Police. I wouldn't work for a Prosecutor, or any other form of Law Enforcement. They are just bad people.
Wow, just wow! How is it possible you can type so many words with so little understanding of what you, yourself just wrote. In psychiatry, this type of verbalization is called echolalia.
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I'm only 8 minutes in, but I already know what everything is. Bromide/Bromine is what is making the red or orange spots, usually if you are trying to figure out the structure of a substance you hit it with Bromine and it can turn red or orange or not change at all. And the Atropine, I have been studying stuff like that for years, you can use it to make Cocaine, lol. And it is an Anti-Spasmatic, you can extract it from Datura.

This is nothing like Law Enforcement, lol.
Wow, just wow! How is it possible you can type so many word with so little understanding of what you, yourself just wrote. In psychiatry, this type of verbalization is called echolalia.
It's all the executive branch. That's law enforcement. The only other Civilian branches like that are legislature and judicial, and the DA is not legislature or judicial, lol.