CDC Quietly Revokes RT-PCR Emergency Use Authorization Because They Counted Covid-19 and Influenza Together


Well-Known Member
Here’s a punch in the gut for a nation that’s already hurting. As it turns out, the so-called “gold standard” testing referenced by so many “doctors” like Anthony Fauci, as well as government officials across the board, has had its Emergency Use Authorization revoked.

The CDC announced, albeit quietly, on Wednesday that the RT-PCR tests used to tell millions of Americans they’re infected with Covid-19 has been unable to accurately differentiate between the various coronaviruses. Of particular note is the inability of these tests to know whether someone is infected with Covid-19 or influenza.

To be clear, this is not a new development. These assays have been known for years to be unable to distinguish between the different types of coronaviruses, but they ran with it anyway. According to the CDC website [emphasis added]:

After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.
As bureaucrats are wont to do, they give just enough information for their target audience to take action while omitting any details that explain the root cause. In this case, there are two reasons for this move. The first is very straight-forward. They’re switching fearmongering tactics.

The RT-PCR assays could detect the presence of a coronavirus from a swab in real-time, making it a good indicator of the potential for Covid-19 infection. In a sane world that wasn’t driven by a nefarious agenda, positive results on the RT-PCR tests would have been treated as indicators that someone needed to get a real test, like an antigen test, to determine if they were infected. But this isn’t a sane world and the powers-that-be saw an opportunity to bump up numbers to drive panic. They ran with it, and revoking the EUA means they’re done with that particular type of fearmongering. The RT-PCR assays served their purpose.

The other reason for this move is very concerning. This shift and its timing both indicate the powers-that-be are anticipating a need to differentiate between the various coronaviruses. If it really is the need to differentiate Covid-19 and influenza as they’re claiming, then that jibes with the sudden push to maximize or even mandate flu vaccines within months. If that’s the scenario they have planned, expect a sudden surge in flu cases after a year where they “miraculously” disappeared thanks to RT-PCR tests claiming everything was Covid-19.

If it’s not really flu they’re trying to detect, what is it? What do they know? What do they have planned? Is there another novel coronavirus on its way? Are they expecting Covid-19 variants to mutate into variants that will require different treatments, perhaps different “vaccines”?

If we’ve learned anything in the last year-and-a-half, it’s that we cannot dismiss “conspiracy theories” without asking real questions. I was never a conspiracy theorist in the past just as I was never an anti-vaxxer, but 2020 and 2021 have made me realize things really are as bad as some have been saying. Reality may be worse than the dystopian future they’ve been warning us about for years.

The RT-PCR tests they’ve been touting for 17-months are suddenly being blacklisted by the CDC. They lied from the start and they’re switching to new lies for whatever is coming around the corner. Question everything, folks.

Who cares the numbers were skewed anyways to an extent. I was counted as having it even though I tested negative 3 times but because wife had it I was deemed as having it from my local CDC as we're many other people.
Also covid is here to stay it's not going away it's a new "flu" it's always going to mutate. How many years have we had the flu vaccine and yet every year there is new strain and still out breaks.
Its like having an in-house fascist

It makes me really question how fascists ever rose to power, how did they get that shit off the ground? This weird disinformation is nothing new...but how the fuck did it take hold when they would have had to say it in public to try and sway people. It's so damn stupid, I just can't imagine them not being laughed out the door trying this in person.

God damn fake ass legal weed people are trash. Gtfo.
Here’s a punch in the gut for a nation that’s already hurting. As it turns out, the so-called “gold standard” testing referenced by so many “doctors” like Anthony Fauci, as well as government officials across the board, has had its Emergency Use Authorization revoked.

The CDC announced, albeit quietly, on Wednesday that the RT-PCR tests used to tell millions of Americans they’re infected with Covid-19 has been unable to accurately differentiate between the various coronaviruses. Of particular note is the inability of these tests to know whether someone is infected with Covid-19 or influenza.

To be clear, this is not a new development. These assays have been known for years to be unable to distinguish between the different types of coronaviruses, but they ran with it anyway. According to the CDC website [emphasis added]:

As bureaucrats are wont to do, they give just enough information for their target audience to take action while omitting any details that explain the root cause. In this case, there are two reasons for this move. The first is very straight-forward. They’re switching fearmongering tactics.

The RT-PCR assays could detect the presence of a coronavirus from a swab in real-time, making it a good indicator of the potential for Covid-19 infection. In a sane world that wasn’t driven by a nefarious agenda, positive results on the RT-PCR tests would have been treated as indicators that someone needed to get a real test, like an antigen test, to determine if they were infected. But this isn’t a sane world and the powers-that-be saw an opportunity to bump up numbers to drive panic. They ran with it, and revoking the EUA means they’re done with that particular type of fearmongering. The RT-PCR assays served their purpose.

The other reason for this move is very concerning. This shift and its timing both indicate the powers-that-be are anticipating a need to differentiate between the various coronaviruses. If it really is the need to differentiate Covid-19 and influenza as they’re claiming, then that jibes with the sudden push to maximize or even mandate flu vaccines within months. If that’s the scenario they have planned, expect a sudden surge in flu cases after a year where they “miraculously” disappeared thanks to RT-PCR tests claiming everything was Covid-19.

If it’s not really flu they’re trying to detect, what is it? What do they know? What do they have planned? Is there another novel coronavirus on its way? Are they expecting Covid-19 variants to mutate into variants that will require different treatments, perhaps different “vaccines”?

If we’ve learned anything in the last year-and-a-half, it’s that we cannot dismiss “conspiracy theories” without asking real questions. I was never a conspiracy theorist in the past just as I was never an anti-vaxxer, but 2020 and 2021 have made me realize things really are as bad as some have been saying. Reality may be worse than the dystopian future they’ve been warning us about for years.

The RT-PCR tests they’ve been touting for 17-months are suddenly being blacklisted by the CDC. They lied from the start and they’re switching to new lies for whatever is coming around the corner. Question everything, folks.

More propaganda from you...

Why do you keep posting links to nutcase conspiracy theory websites made by some Qanon freak using a wordpress template?

You are what's wrong with America. You and the rest of your trump loving Qanon buddies should just self deport. That would actually make America great again. As it is, you and your ilk are just slowing us down and taking us backwards. You are not the Real Americans. People like you and your alternative "false" facts are a dead end as far as making anything better.
If this were true it would in fact be bigger news.

I’m telling you…too far right or too far left and you wind up blinded by bias
If this were true it would in fact be bigger news.

I’m telling you…too far right or too far left and you wind up blinded by bias
What is the far left getting wrong?
What is the far left getting wrong?

Defunding the police. They've done it here in Portland and all that's happened is an increase in violent crime and shootings. Shootings have more than doubled since they disbanded the gun violence response team. It's turning into the wild west.

"In 2019, Portland had 389 shootings, according to data from the Portland Police Bureau. Just one year later, that number more than doubled, skyrocketing to almost 900.
The violence has continued in 2021. Through May, police have reported 453 shooting incidents. At the current rate, Portland will have more than 1,000 shootings by the end of this year."

Defunding the police. They've done it here in Portland and all that's happened is an increase in violent crime and shootings. Shootings have more than doubled since they disbanded the gun violence response team. It's turning into the wild west.

"In 2019, Portland had 389 shootings, according to data from the Portland Police Bureau. Just one year later, that number more than doubled, skyrocketing to almost 900.
The violence has continued in 2021. Through May, police have reported 453 shooting incidents. At the current rate, Portland will have more than 1,000 shootings by the end of this year."

One thing that needs to be done is to have a definition of "the far left" so Traitriots™ cannot dishonestly rebrand anyone to the left of them as "the far left".

I oropose that far left is defined by a policy of nationalizing the means of production. I don't think even Bernie (as far left as it gets, and I would characterize him as a solid example of a social democrat) is advocating that. I am not aware of any cohesive socialist voting bloc, and just a few social democrats in government.

The Maga half of all Republicans is legitimately far right, as the insurrction to install authoritarian government (and what a prize of a man they chose as leadre!) and it gets no further to the right than that except perhaps a Kim or Pol Pot.

To others than Traitriots: are these good definitions? Please correct me if not.
One thing that needs to be done is to have a definition of "the far left" so Traitriots™ cannot dishonestly rebrand anyone to the left of them as "the far left".

I oropose that far left is defined by a policy of nationalizing the means of production. I don't think even Bernie (as far left as it gets, and I would characterize him as a solid example of a social democrat) is advocating that. I am not aware of any cohesive socialist voting bloc, and just a few social democrats in government.

The Maga half of all Republicans is legitimately far right, as the insurrction to install authoritarian government (and what a prize of a man they chose as leadre!) and it gets no further to the right than that except perhaps a Kim or Pol Pot.

To others than Traitriots: are these good definitions? Please correct me if not.

There are sensible people that may lean left or right but are not extreme. They are moderate and willing to compromise on things. Then there are those that have no sense and have an "It's my way or the highway" attitude. Unfortunately the extremes on both sides make the most noise and make things ungovernable because they just can't give an inch.
There are sensible people that may lean left or right but are not extreme. They are moderate and willing to compromise on things. Then there are those that have no sense and have an "It's my way or the highway" attitude. Unfortunately the extremes on both sides make the most noise and make things ungovernable because they just can't give an inch.
My party is common sense party fuck this left or right crap if it makes sense do it lol I agree if stuff on both sides but government is not the answer smaller government better country. (Not saying deregulate everything)
There are sensible people that may lean left or right but are not extreme. They are moderate and willing to compromise on things. Then there are those that have no sense and have an "It's my way or the highway" attitude. Unfortunately the extremes on both sides make the most noise and make things ungovernable because they just can't give an inch.
Not only did you totally ignore the question, but you insulted my intelligence. Do you seriously feel the need to lecture me that a political center exists? Or youare calling me a dolt deliberately. I'd ask what I have posted to make you think Im that kind of stupid. But I dont seek out more such contempt.
