CDC Quietly Revokes RT-PCR Emergency Use Authorization Because They Counted Covid-19 and Influenza Together

Not only did you totally ignore the question, but you insulted my intelligence. Do you seriously feel the need to lecture me that a political center exists? Or youare calling me a dolt deliberately. I'd ask what I have posted to make you think Im that kind of stupid. But I dont seek out more such contempt.

View attachment 4952456

I wonder what would happen if nobody posted in these troll threads?
no they havent and crime has increased everywhere since last year during a global pandemic

Youre dumb

Ah the name calling. That's always the sign of a genius.

Defunding probably wasn't the best word to use but they're actively trying to cut money from the police budget and are doing it little by little. Fortunately after a year of "I hate the police" riots that destroyed the downtown area as miscreants rampaged uncontrolled vandalizing and looting everything the citizens of Portland have had enough of that nonsense and the mood has changed.

The majority of us Portlanders don't want another dime taken from the police budget to provide services for the homeless meth addicts that have invaded our beautiful city with their broken down RV's, filthy rat infested camps, and the crime these meth addicts bring.

Portland City Council Approves Budget Cutting Additional $15M From Police

And the rate that the gun violence has risen in Portland in the last 6 months is well above most cities in America.

But what do I know I just live here.

The brilliant minds of the Portland City Council. Cut the police budget and use that money for the homeless.


Not only did you totally ignore the question, but you insulted my intelligence. Do you seriously feel the need to lecture me that a political center exists? Or youare calling me a dolt deliberately. I'd ask what I have posted to make you think Im that kind of stupid. But I dont seek out more such contempt.

View attachment 4952456

I don't get where it's a troll post to be honest. Sounded to me like a viewpoint from the middle from someone who lives in that shit show (from this Canuck's perspective) in Portland. No offense to the folks in that area of course.
a year of "I hate the police" riots that destroyed the downtown area
you obbiously dont live in portland. I used to. My friends who still live there report to me that downtown portland has not been destroyed

Youre dumb and a liar
I don't get where it's a troll post to be honest. Sounded to me like a viewpoint from the middle from someone who lives in that shit show (from this Canuck's perspective) in Portland. No offense to the folks in that area of course.
Portland is fine, the guy you are defending may be mentally retarded though
Ah the name calling. That's always the sign of a genius.

Defunding probably wasn't the best word to use but they're actively trying to cut money from the police budget and are doing it little by little. Fortunately after a year of "I hate the police" riots that destroyed the downtown area as miscreants rampaged uncontrolled vandalizing and looting everything the citizens of Portland have had enough of that nonsense and the mood has changed.

The majority of us Portlanders don't want another dime taken from the police budget to provide services for the homeless meth addicts that have invaded our beautiful city with their broken down RV's, filthy rat infested camps, and the crime these meth addicts bring.

Portland City Council Approves Budget Cutting Additional $15M From Police

And the rate that the gun violence has risen in Portland in the last 6 months is well above most cities in America.

But what do I know I just live here.

The brilliant minds of the Portland City Council. Cut the police budget and use that money for the homeless.


No offense man, but you have mischaracterised the protests over the summer over and over again.

And as far as 'what do you know you just live there', I would point out these fucknut live there too and push the same narrative.

And we all saw what they pulled on Jan 6th.
No offense man, but you have mischaracterised the protests over the summer over and over again.

And as far as 'what do you know you just live there', I would point out these fucknut live there too and push the same narrative.

You can be offensive to him. He likes name calling, just not accurate labels that apply to him in an unflattering way
I don't get where it's a troll post to be honest. Sounded to me like a viewpoint from the middle from someone who lives in that shit show (from this Canuck's perspective) in Portland. No offense to the folks in that area of course.
It was the way he insinuated that I did not know what the political center is. A sly and sideways way to make me look clueless. I can't slice this one any other way. If you can, I'm all ears (= eyes)
It was the way he insinuated that I did not know what the political center is. A sly and sideways way to make me look clueless. I can't slice this one any other way. If you can, I'm all ears (= eyes)

I thought he was giving his perspective from the middle that took from experience of the situation he's part of. @UncleBuck , I'm not defending anybody. Pretty sure @xtsho can defend himself. Just my viewpoint of the post and overall thread in general. I'm an honest guy in general and I'm just stating an opinion on something that's much deeper in your perspective than my own.

I'll also tell you all what here about myself. I haven't followed American Politics/issues up until February of 2020 when Covid hit. I saw and continue to see the serious divide that that Motherfucking Trump character was Politicizing and throwing smoke and mirrors while replacing key government roles for re election. He's continuing the Machiavellian theory of divide and conquer which is really becoming apparent to me just from reading threads like this.

Hope you guys can sort this shit out. You've come to far as a nation to allow this fog of war to envelop a once proud nation. Your all supposed to be on the same side. And if I'm reading it correctly, you pretty much are for the most part. Fuck the shiny objects that continually cloud what's going down there.
I thought he was giving his perspective from the middle that took from experience of the situation he's part of. @UncleBuck , I'm not defending anybody. Pretty sure @xtsho can defend himself. Just my viewpoint of the post and overall thread in general. I'm an honest guy in general and I'm just stating an opinion on something that's much deeper in your perspective than my own.

I'll also tell you all what here about myself. I haven't followed American Politics/issues up until February of 2020 when Covid hit. I saw and continue to see the serious divide that that Motherfucking Trump character was Politicizing and throwing smoke and mirrors while replacing key government roles for re election. He's continuing the Machiavellian theory of divide and conquer which is really becoming apparent to me just from reading threads like this.

Hope you guys can sort this shit out. You've come to far as a nation to allow this fog of war to envelop a once proud nation. Your all supposed to be on the same side. And if I'm reading it correctly, you pretty much are for the most part. Fuck the shiny objects that continually cloud what's going down there.
It would seriously help if this nation's intelligence agencies could find a way to combat this current war. Foreign powers are using social media in sophisticated ways to generate conflict and weaken or confuse my fellow citizens. Many of my countrymates are ignoring that under the broken premise that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Theyre getting played hard.

All I did was ask for feedback on defining "the far left." So far I have not received any useful feedback.
It would seriously help if this nation's intelligence agencies could find a way to combat this current war. Foreign powers are using social media in sophisticated ways to generate conflict and weaken or confuse my fellow citizens. Many of my countrymates are ignoring that under the broken premise that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Theyre getting played hard.

All I did was ask for feedback on defining "the far left." So far I have not received any useful feedback.

My take on Far left and far right are pretty much a combo of what you posted and the other post. It's subjective and a lot broader in scope than a couple of definitions can provide. We've all been to that Rodeo before.
My take on Far left and far right are pretty much a combo of what you posted and the other post. It's subjective and a lot broader in scope than a couple of definitions can provide. We've all been to that Rodeo before.
It would help to have agreed-upon characteristics. The bit abot nationalizing the means of production is my understanding. If it needs refined, I would welcome a breakdown from (not a Traitriot).
It would help to have agreed-upon characteristics. The bit abot nationalizing the means of production is my understanding. If it needs refined, I would welcome a breakdown from (not a Traitriot).

That's a can of worms I'm not going to open.
Not the answer I was hoping for. But I'll respect it. Unlike the other guy, you seem polite.

How about produce what you can, but keep a world trade view open. No matter who the so called "bogey man" is in certain perspectives? That's about as in depth as I can get. I don't know fuck all about world trade or politics.
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How about produce what you can, but keep a world trade view open. No matter who the so called "bogey man" is in certain perspectives? That's about as in depth as I can get. I don't know fuck all about world trade or politics.
I only started minding politics when the Covid (anti)response came to my attenrion.
Otherwise, since I also haven't paid much attention from either, (and want to quench my curiosity quickly and cheaply) here I am asking the kindness of strangers.