Ceestyle, other outdoor growers, heat control & light ~?~


Well-Known Member
I have set up a physical barrier, on each level, a piece of board that goes up just high enough to cover the pots themselves without blocking any light from the plants. I'll get some mulch in there, too, that's a good idea. Fortunately, it's remained pretty cool the last few days.


Well-Known Member
Let's hope that the plants I've put in the "more" organic soil (not all organic I'm afraid) will do better. They're also out on the south shelf, the one that gets direct sun almost all day, and then gets more shaded later in the day. Damn! I need a pot doctor! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Not before the whole thing happened, but during my attempts to stop the carnage I put up the barriers. There has been some mitigation, but nothing really noteworthy. I'm getting really reduced growth (this is with the first two phases of my grow, by the way, I planted in four phases), and what new growth I do get the leaves are rather narrow, even on the Indica-type plants.

I'm going to spend some time trying to solve the heat issues, because I honestly think that there is a problem with the black pots and the constant exposure. I have a strong feeling that the issues I'm having stem from the roots not remaining cool.