Day 47/48
Today is actually day 48 but the pictures were taken on day 47. I have a nice little setup in my closet now. I guess it took a little motivation to move it there (the closet was filled with clothes and many boxes until my little scare). I have modified the setup a bit more than what is in the pictures but I will update with that later tonight. I did find a male today
It was my best plant too. A bunch of balls in a group pretty much popped up overnight. I was fairly confident that it was going to be a female, but i'm pretty sure it turned male/(herm?) because of my light change back to 16/8. I thoroughly inspected my other plants to make sure there are no balls and I see none yet. One one plant I think I can even see a pistil popping out
I'll be watching carefully the next few days, hopefully I will still get at least one female.
So far through out my grow I have had 2 lights burn out on me (you can see one of em in the picture). One thing I notice is that the smaller 26w bulbs getting freakin HOOOOTT (the base of the bulb where the electronics are). The larger 47w stays much cooler despite its size.