Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households

Simple. They have kids within the united states, granting the children citizenship. Then the parents file for medicaid and food stamps under their children's names. Then the parents work an under-the-table job, avoiding income tax. The only taxes they pay are sales/fuel/other consumer taxes. I'm not even a republican but to say that illegals aren't a drain on American society is just sheer ignorance.
Shut the fuck up, republican
Here is a U.S. soldier deployed on the southern border — and an unlawful immigrant...

"He joined his sister in California on a student visa and enrolled in college. The military seemed like a place to further his career, he said, and the Pentagon’s immigrant recruit program guaranteed something more than job security: “A sense of pride,” he said. His enlistment would also harness something that makes him especially valuable to the military — his voice. He speaks Mandarin Chinese, which is among several languages the Pentagon has deemed strategically vital but in short supply among U.S.-born troops"....
Simple. They have kids within the united states, granting the children citizenship. Then the parents file for medicaid and food stamps under their children's names. Then the parents work an under-the-table job, avoiding income tax. The only taxes they pay are sales/fuel/other consumer taxes. I'm not even a republican but to say that illegals aren't a drain on American society is just sheer ignorance.

You make a lot of shit up. Also too, you don't know very much.
Simple. They have kids within the united states, granting the children citizenship. Then the parents file for medicaid and food stamps under their children's names. Then the parents work an under-the-table job, avoiding income tax. The only taxes they pay are sales/fuel/other consumer taxes. I'm not even a republican but to say that illegals aren't a drain on American society is just sheer ignorance.

They work.

Many work cheap thankless jobs you'd turn your nose up at. Maybe you're a little confused as to who is a drain on American society.

Who makes your information up for you?
Hannity, Pirro, Ingraham and Carlson or some other group of scared white people?