Certain thread wont load.


Well-Known Member
Hello, Im trying to open the thread "Club 600" and it goes to a blank screen every time. If I lower my posts per page down to 5-10 it loads just fine, but this makes navigating all the other threads and journals Im subscribed to a real pain. It only seems to effect this one thread, all others do just fine.

Any info on whats going on would be greatly appreciated.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I get on very periodically while maintaining 40 posts per page. Seems very odd that larger more intensive threads are just fine.


Well-Known Member
Each day I have to change mine, sometimes I get on to the Club 600 thread with 20 posts, and then other times I have to change to Forum Default.


Staff member
It's just what happens when the thread is so utterly big with many posts pictures and videos


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that problem with the Club 600 thread for a couple of years now. I just log off of Rollitup, clear my browser cache, and log on again. Then it works for me.

I've always had 40 posts per page though, I'll try changing it to 10 next time it happens.



Well-Known Member
Well tried logging out and back in and its a no go.
This problem started for allot of us on sunday at around 5:00pm ct. Anything significant change on that day at that time as far as the site is concerned?


Well-Known Member
Try washing the servers down with some iso, should be back to normal then.

Will try and post when things get back up again.
