CF and Halogen


Active Member
ok i just started growing 2 days ago. i put 8 seeds in a 14" pot and plan to transplant them to 4 large pots when its time. everything is cool except lighting. i have a 23w cf and 2 13w cf lights. is that good enough. oh, and i have a halogen light that gets soo hot (kinda scared to use it.). Am i good, or do i need to change somthing? please help


Well-Known Member
Dont use Halogen and try not to have two seeds per pot it will cause problems later on particularly when separating the plants. Although it is doable. If you insist on having two plants in one pot then pot them straight into a large pot to begin with as transplanting them may be difficult.

Those lights arent perfect and most people on here will say you need more. However if you check my grow out theyve been on something very similar to your lights. But they wont do for flowering you will need to fork out when you plan to flower.


Active Member
yeah after about 3 days, i switched the halogen with daylight cf lights. the pot is a 5 gallon i think? i have the lights hanging about 3-5 inches above the plant at all times. 15-9 lighting. do you see anything wrong with that? its my first time, so i could use all the help i can get. thanks dude.


Well-Known Member
Well 15/9 is getting a bit close to their light cycle for flowering you may want to change the light cycle to 18/6 or even 24 on. It will speed up their growth as well :) Yeah the light set up seems fine and so does the distance :) keep it up!


Active Member
thanks brother. do i keep the same light cycle for the entire growth or do i change it? i just installed one of those 10 year old 2' x 2' fans in my closet and i leave it on overnight. is that right? i never really saw the importance of a fan.


Active Member
yea thts rite n ull c da importance wen ur grow room makes ur own room hot well for my case the fans r to keep the cool and to not let our plants stress out n about da light cycles use 18/6 for vegging and use 12/12 for flowering


Well-Known Member
Have you got an autoflowering strain? If not they wont start flowering until you swap their light schedule to 12/12. Fans are important for three main reasons. They reduce heat so and can control climate. They help the plants produce thick sturdy stems. They help circulate and introduce more co2. And yeah you can leave it on over night. Have them on for as long as your light are on at least.

If you dont have an autoflowering strain then dont change the light cycle to 12/12 until they are at least 12 inches tall. Or begin to show preflowers or produce alternate nodes. This is all explained much better in the grow FAQ, top left side of the page.


Active Member
cool cool. they wont get damaged if they sway some bit will they? i got 2 new 27w cfl's (daylight bright). in the past 6 hours, ive seen great amounts of growth on my babe that had the 18 watter. thanks brother for the help


Well-Known Member
I just started growing also. I'm using 2 26 watt 6500k cfls and one 42 watt 2700k cfl. Mine seem to be growing quite well. I have them on 24/0. Plan on getting a hps 400 watt light for flowering. Happy Growing.


Active Member
oh yeah. thats cool, if i had the right money, id get a hps but im not really planning on growing for commercial, so cfls will be fine i guess. thanks i hope ur growing goes smooth. im a little sketchy on the whole 24/0 light thing. i heard the 15/9 or 18/6 greatens the chance of females, but thats what ive heard.
best of luck


Well-Known Member
Gardenman: Good luck man sounds good, definitely get a HPS if you can the quality will be fantastic. The only problem is heat so make sure you have plenty of fans or exhaust! :)

Gypsion: I dont know about increasing chances of females. Everywhere i have read whether its books tutorials or people on here they all say 18/6 or 24/0 for veg. 15/9 will slow down their growth some what and may cause them begin flowering too early or cause complications? I could be wrong entirely but id stick with at least 18/6 to try and avoid hermies.


Well-Known Member
Well your in veg so it shouldnt fuck them up :) you should begin to notice a difference in growth in the next week when u swap


Active Member
fuck dude, my parents looked in my room today, so i have to find a new home for them. this sucks, there isnt anywhere else thats not sketch in my house, but there is a forest about 3 min from here. if i move them to there, will there be any chance of survival? i need to find out before soon.
thanks and hope ur growing goes great giggle brother


Well-Known Member
Ha right well erm. Depends where you live. Obviously weed is well a weed so yes i can grow outside. Just needs direct sunlight the right kind of watering etc. SO you need to take the following things into acount:

How easy is it for other people to walk past your plants.

Is there anyway you can hide them? The longer i takes you to get to them the better.

Can you check back regularly with nutes etc

Is there any way they could be traced back to you if found.

Deer or other animals may eat them but thats completely pot luck. excuse the pun..

Erm so yeah good luck. If growing outdoors you really want to do lots of research on where your going to plant them before hand.


Active Member
ok i pulled it off! i spent the last 2 1/2 hours on finding a new home for my babes. im gonna upload some pics of their new home. found my childhood fish tank and a room no one has stepped in for about 6 months. the weather here outside wouldnt suit it.....but i did take a sprout and planted it in the woods...ill check on it in a couple days. dont really care if it 4 plants to myself anyways (besides giving some or alot to my buddies). check it out.



Well-Known Member
Great man glad you found somewhere! Looks good theyre really healthy. The only thing is , do you have a plan where your going to have them when they get really big? If theyre going to stay in the fish take it may be ok but roots may become an issue. If your going to put them in separate pots then the sooner you remove them from the tank the better as roots will become tangled etc. Also is there any drainage in the bottom of the fish tank?