CFL 1st time Grow Feedback Welcome!

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
I did have a grow journal, but seeing as how no one wants to really reply much to people using CFL’s, I have decided to move my progress over to here. I hope that I will be receiving more feedback and possible help with some problems that I have been having. I am not going to include my old pictures, but if anyone is interested then they will still be available for viewing on my grow journal. As for now I am just hoping to address problems that I am currently having in regards to my grow. I am currently on day 23 and the pictures below are from day 22. Many thanks ahead of time!

8-18 (some background info)
Hi all! This is my first attempt at growing. As the title states this is a bagseed/CFL grow. The seeds were germinated using the paper towel method. Out of 3 seeds only one cracked and produced a root tail. On 8/7/08 the seed was planted in a small plastic pot with Scott’s potting soil. Two days later (8/9/08 ) the seedling sprouted. Currently my plant is under two 23w 6500k CFL’s on a 18/6 cycle. Since this is my first attempt at growing, I do not have any kind of elaborate setup or a growbox ( yet!) so I am getting by with a small indoor greenhouse. The lights that I am using have reflectors on them so I am not concerned with painting the walls white or applying Mylar on them at this point in time. There is a small 7 inch clip-on fan blowing a light breeze on “her” (finger’s crossed!!!) and the lights to help maintain the temperature. So far things are looking pretty good as it is now 9 days old and I am pretty pleased with the progress made; however I am open to any questions or comments and greatly appreciative to any suggestions that could further help me in my journey. Thanks!

I am looking for feedback in regards to what I am seeing on the pictures of my plant below. I noticed these yesterday. They are white and a different color then the other new growth on the plant. I wanted to see if someone from their experience knew if this was in fact female hairs, or just new growth. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Looks good man, that new growth is just leafs that will soon form. Only thing i would do is just add more light and youll be straight.


Well-Known Member
you should get something reflective around your grow space even with reflectors. especially with cfls


Well-Known Member
Hey Cannibal,

Welcome back to the section where we CARE about your CFL's lol

Good luCk on the grow i"ll keep around for this one !!

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
well things are going great. since i transplanted last week and got all the heat and water problems taking care of, it has been growing like crazy the past few days. so thats good. i have started to try to germinate 4 seeds, been 36hrs no luck yet. i've tried all methods with 20 diferent seeds in the past few weeks with no sucess. i'm guessing are bad,dk what else it could be.


Well-Known Member
Make sure your not using tap water, that will guarantee that they wouldn't germ. When are we going to see updated pic's?

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
Make sure your not using tap water, that will guarantee that they wouldn't germ. When are we going to see updated pic's?
it is tap(well water) that has been sitting out for a few days.don't have ph meter yet so don't the ph. the pics i posted at the top are from 8/30, the most recent i have right now.


Well-Known Member
Make sure your not using tap water, that will guarantee that they wouldn't germ. When are we going to see updated pic's?
I dunno if I 100% agree on that one Doc.. I mean yes 100% there are MUCH better options than tap water.. However to say that it would guarantee they wouldn't germ... I wouldn't go that far. I've germed quite a few seeds in plain ol tap water from my bathroom, long ago before I did research or knew any better.

I'd guess tap water thats been out a few days, should do the trick.. even if it does take a bit longer. Then again, thats just my 2 cents !!

Take it for what you will :)


Active Member
Make sure your not using tap water, that will guarantee that they wouldn't germ. When are we going to see updated pic's?

I'm not sure what your experiences with tap water are, but even out here where we have 'hard' water I've used to to successfully germ several times.


Active Member
I use tap water + those expandable peat pellets and they germ seeds just fine. Our tap water is very hard and slightly acidic. The problem is putting too much water in those peat pellets. That will simply rot the seeds.

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
thnx for all the responces. another day and no germination. i'm thinking the seeds are bad or the container did something too them, which is a film container that was washed twice with antibacterial soap. besides that the 1 plant i have is growing great. its now about 4in. tall and on it's 6th node. i want to lst, how tall should it be before i do? pics up in a little.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, i only say that guys cause when i started my two plants i tried to germ them for 4 or 5 days with tap water, i changed the paper towels and used distilled water and they germed in less than 24 hours. That doesn't mean it's guaranteed but i like to see results like that. IDK maybe we have some poison in the water out here in NM.

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
Looking good, i only say that guys cause when i started my two plants i tried to germ them for 4 or 5 days with tap water, i changed the paper towels and used distilled water and they germed in less than 24 hours. That doesn't mean it's guaranteed but i like to see results like that. IDK maybe we have some poison in the water out here in NM.
yeah me too, but it sure does taste