CFL 6850K (3x25W) + 10,000k (1x65W) + 2300k (1x60W)


Active Member
I've got burns, or something, and I've looked around, ALOT, and even gotten personal opinions from experienced personal acquaintances.

There's alot of disagreement on the issue, so I'm here trying to get some opinions and maybe some corroboration, here goes:

Soil grown from start. Miracle Grow "Organic Choice" chicken manure nutrients, no nitrogen bombs or time released nutes. Grown in a 10 gallon terracota pot, lower inch of pot is pea gravel to help with drainage, upper half is the soil. Top surface layer is also pea gravel.

Nutes are Canna : Bio Vega, (veg nutes, high N) Ph is monitored around 5.7-6.2 depending on the nutes in the water. Water is tap water, run through carbon filtration.

Temps stay between 67 and 78. 67 during lights out. Plant is on a 18/6 light cycle, which is a recent change, i had ehr going on 20/4 since the first week of veg. Plant is about 4-5 weeks old.

Lights are set up with 3 x 25W 6850K cfls on orbital side lighting evenly spaced every 120 degrees, clamped to the pot, sitting about 4-6 inches away from fan leaves. Overhead I have a 2x 65W aquarium light fixture running a 2300 65 W CFL bulb (dual t5's CFL tube, but self ballasted) and a 10,000k 65W CFL tube over head. Progressively raising as plant grows, currently 8-9 inches from canopy. Plastic UV shield is on the aquarium fixture (it can be removed if need be)

I have fans going, and my humidity is between 35-55%. Wattering every other day, feeding every 2nd watering. I also applied some mycrorhizae (sp?) to the root ball when i transplanted it to this pot (little over 2 1/2 weeks ago)

So here's the problem:

I'm starting to have what looks like possibly heat burns, or a nute burn on my fan leaves. It's occurring more on the side facing outward, towards the entrance to my area. But it is is occuring on the other sides too. The side facing out is probably 5x as bad as the other areas. Not all leaves are having the issue, there is no pattern. It happened to old growth, and new growth, but not all new growth, and not symmetrically across the plant (as nute burns usually do)

This is all new as of a week ago, previously the plant had lush healthy green growth, and was spreading out well. Internodal spacing was low, and main stem is/was healthy. Main stem is about 3/4 inches thick at base, plant is about 13 inches tall.

Feeding is documented and well monitored, and changes are also documented. Nothing has changed in the plants routine aside from the light cycle shift to 18/6 from 20/4.

The burns first showed as almost a burgundy red brown and only on some of my larger fan leaves. The red brown seemed to go away, and the plant started to look healthier. Then, the areas that had the burns before, started to deteriorate, as in crumble, and fall apart, leaving holes and gaps in some leaves. Some new growth on nodes has large chunks of leaves missing, and some leaves are contorted in very odd ways.

The leaves still perk up to the light in a very crisp seemingly healthy way, and not all of them all falling apart, only about 15% of the total leaves are having the issue.

Attached is a current picture, does anyone have any idea what might be going on? The closest comparison i found was ozone toxicity, but I'm not using an ozone generator, nor am I at a high altitude. Some suggestions said heat or light burn, but I'm using CFLs, and my temps aren't very high, it doesn't make any sense.
I also have a fan blowing and oscilating hitting the plant.


Genetics appear to be a 60-70 % indica, but they are just from a pile of seeds (that i bought, but got mixed up) So I am actually not 100% sure what they are.


Active Member
the low ph is generally only when I'm feeding, and it's kind of hard to avoid, should i be ph'ing up the water i mix with my nutes or what? or feeding less frequently?


Well-Known Member
the low ph is generally only when I'm feeding, and it's kind of hard to avoid, should i be ph'ing up the water i mix with my nutes or what? or feeding less frequently?
Yes, you should always try to keep your PH in check.
Nutes usually will drop your PH just a bit.
As to your next post, with PH out of range, the plant can only extract so much of what you are feeding it, and what is in the soil.
Eventually it's needs are going to overcome it's ability to intake nutes.
Can you get more pics? I don't see anything in that pic to be worried about, it looks good.


Well-Known Member
BTW, how the hell did you get that quote box and everything in your sig?
I remember the thread where he said that, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get the whole quote box.


Active Member
hit reply with quote to the thread, and copy the syntax. I made sure to carefully edit down the words i didn't care to quote so the link would still be intact. gotta make sure all the brackets stay there when u edit down, and the threadID doesn't get shaved.

I can get more pictures, i can get any picture you want, of all the symptoms i described which one would be most beneficial to see? i cannot get them all in one picture.


Well-Known Member
Just get a couple, of the whole plant, and one or two of the affected leafs will be fine.
Thanks. I'll try that now.
SHIT, can't get it to work.
Did you 'copy' or 'save'?
I'm going to bed, I'll try again in the morning.


Active Member
This might help you understand, this is the area with the largest "crumbling" of the leave material.

I put a piece of wood behind the leaf in question so it's easier to see the deterioration with the contrast. the pictures are of the exact same area. on the plant.


It looks like a leaf eater pest, but I have actually sat in there for hours and watched the leave around ti brown and crinckle, then just fall off.

Not really any way for an ominous leaf eater to be hiding, i tore the room apart looking for a culprit.

It was also suggested that it looked like the leaves had some sort of splash chemical burn, but that didn't occur to my knowledge, and i have a hard time seeing how it could without my knowledge.

It also doesn't have the cosistent proximity i would expect from a splash, it's not centralized in one area, just more predominant there.

All 3 of the lights are the exact same light bulb too, well they were packaged the same, i guess something different could have gotten into one of them? UV burn was suggested too but it didn't make much sense with low wattage CFLS.


Active Member
I trim my fan leaves alot, so I'm less worried about the condition of that leave, but if you look closely at the emerging fan leaves you'll notice that I'm some of the new growth has significant chunks missing. though while it's small it may not look large, but half of the leaf looks like it's missing on some.


Active Member
oh yeah, if you do your sig like i did you can actually click the blue arrow on the right of the posters name and it opens the thread.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, if you do your sig like i did you can actually click the blue arrow on the right of the posters name and it opens the thread.
That's cool, I didn't know that, but I still can't get the whole bubble copied,
The only way I can get it, is copy/ paste.
I know it must be something easy I'm not doing, 'cause lotsa guys copy the quotes like that.
I've been wondering for months.


Well-Known Member
I agree that your ph is too low.It should be 6.8to7.0 And with respect to your concern about your leaves some of my leaves always have some sort of problem or another but the Bud always turns out just fine. In other words don't worry it to death.


Active Member
You worry to much, hehe.. I've gotten that type of thing on my leafs from time to time. It have never been an issue for me. :) I've had issues with ph beeing low and high, and trust me, you'll freak out when that happens. It's a much more devastating encounter :P Imo, it looks like a healthy plant. It's better to let it pass, and not take action at such an early stage. Especially when it looks this good in general. Give us an update in a month :)


Active Member
I guess i was striving for perfection a little too much, and it started irking me when it started falling short of it.

Not a bug issue though? likely not mites? i don't see silk strands anywhere and I don't see aphids, i went looking for so long it hurt my eyes.


Well-Known Member
Just relax man, I don't see any way it could be bugs either.
BTW, I'm still working on the sig thing trying to get it to work.