CFL Auto Closet Budget Grow


Well-Known Member
My cats knocked over two of my pots, luckily the root ball of them stay intact so hopefully not too much stress to the plants :(


Well-Known Member
They are doing better for the most part.
The male would be do amazing except for where he is. I looked at him last night and he has released pollen. The pollen wont go anywhere because he is surrounded by that tube but I do plan to move him outside and collect pollen today or tomorrow.
The females have resumed growing again and are not looking as wilted or curling as much. Whatever was wrong with them has seemed to stop spreading for the most part but will keep a close eye on it still.
The one plant that decided to grow crooked has essentially lst itself because there are now too tops growing which is good for me haha


Well-Known Member
Just posted this in a different section about plant problems but here are some new pics. They are growing pretty fast, its a little hard to see but if you look at the old pictures you can definitely see a difference.



Well-Known Member
They have really come back and are looking 10x better. Just did the math and expecting them to be done somewhere around may 20th.
Will have pictures up tonight or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
They are looking 100x better and are growing like crazy.
You can see a little nitrogen deficiency on some of the lower leaves and the nute burn marks from before.
Did a little work on the grow area, mainly with attaching the lights directly to the boxes ceiling to make it a lot easier to adjust light height.



Well-Known Member
lol you should check this out...this is my 12/12 from seed project, its looking pretty similar to your babies in appearance and flowering age so I figure we could use each other as a progress tracker....I have been following your thread for a little bit but I just don't post much.....Your babies are looking great man keep it up, you're on the right track....+ rep to you for good work



Well-Known Member
lol you should check this out...this is my 12/12 from seed project, its looking pretty similar to your babies in appearance and flowering age so I figure we could use each other as a progress tracker....I have been following your thread for a little bit but I just don't post much.....Your babies are looking great man keep it up, you're on the right track....+ rep to you for good work
Good to see someone stopping in and commenting haha
I will definitely check your grow out haven't seen it in a while. Thought your last pic was the plant potted in what toilet haha
They looking good, crazy orange hairs!
Originally was thinking of a 12/12 too.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have been really interested in seeing how other people's auto's turn out before I try it out myself.....have you had any problems with yours?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have been really interested in seeing how other people's auto's turn out before I try it out myself.....have you had any problems with yours?
Not yet, all 10 germed. 7 sprouted but that is probably my fault because I was a little impatient. Out of the 7, 4 of them were females. One of them grew a little weird; one side of the plant grew faster than the other side and it became lopsided. No hermies that I have seen. They have all flowered under 24/0 like they were supposed to. The last test will be to see if they actually finish in the amount of time they are supposed to.
Also I don't if its me or what but about 4 weeks from finish give or take and there is a great smell when your right outside or inside the room but nothing that is carbon filter worthy.


Well-Known Member
So they are recovering from a pretty bad nute burn little less than a week ago. I don't know how it happened because I was using about 1/8 teaspoon per gallon once a week, which is pretty low. They have been flushed and are looking better, leaves will never recover though.



Well-Known Member
So I know I kind of left everyone hanging but I did harvest and it was amazing. I never weighed because just never got around to it. I will put pictures up of the final product within a day or two!