cfl= bad choice

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Well-Known Member
oh it looks like she signed off because no one cares about her damn opinion..... shit she can attack but then she runs off when she looks like a dumbass!


New Member
if your thinking about growing and want to use a cfl, let me first ask are you growing inside a 2ft box? do you have 5 bulbs per plant? are you using it for clones? or a bonzai? if yes your fine, if not seriously please consider going to a WELL VENTILATED HPS system? your cheating yourselves and your plants. all this led and cfl talk is killing me, quit trying to be cheap and suck it up and make an investment that will more than pay for itself in no time. 1 dwc bucket 1 plant 1 250w hps light can yeild 1 pound.. what are you getting off of a cfm harvest in soil, a quad at most?
Plant Grow Lights, Indoor Hydroponic Systems, Supplies/Equipment - Best Prices, Products & Delivery has cheap fans, cold in, hot out off the light into a filter outside of the room read high times, no respectable grow setup ever gets props for using cfl's for anything other than clones.

im not trying to be a bitch but i dont want to see any of you discouraged from a shitty grow because you jew'ed yourself on the lights.
Are u sure uare not the one being cheap? Buy an add insteed of using a thred.


Well-Known Member
Are u sure uare not the one being cheap? Buy an add insteed of using a thred.
dude, its a good site and she makes a good point, why do you have to act like your 12 and jump on anything that says your not doing things as best as you could? you know she's an army vet? and your uber disrespectful, one of us having the balls to do what none of you have. i think cfl is great for growing in a shoebox, but when it comes down to it, they wont cut it in a closet.


Active Member
CFL's only ''suck'' if you're selling to make a profit. If it's for personal use, they work great.

In a 32 gallon double-Rubbermaid (4.5 square feet) you can string in about 200-220 watts (10000-15000 lumens) and get 3 oz every harvest. Veg for 1 month, flower for 2 months = harvest every 3 months. Electric costs about $10/month extra on average.

So maybe CFL's suck if you smoke more than an ounce of KB a month. At the risk of being unpopular, if you smoke more than that and are not on a prescription, please get help.

Here's a CFL plant that went through 30 days of veg and 60 days of flower. After cutting away the large stems & leaves and drying for 2 weeks, it yielded 32 grams of bomb ass weed.

First try at growing. There were actually 2 of these in there, and the other was more sativa and yielded 24 grams after 70 days of flower. There was more than enough room for another plant in there.



Well-Known Member
i bought t5's when i couldn't afford.. i had shit luck all my harvests were turned into hash. ive never had a space small enough to use cfl's to each thier own. i have to agree with xochi that hps is the way to best results, and if you can afford to cool them they are better as far as yields go, but once again we are looking at money. i see both of your points, xochi not everyone can afford hid.. and yes hid's can cause shitty harves DUE TO USER ERROR this includes light burning due to inefficient ventilation. the point of this board isnt to bash the shit out of one and other, its to encourage and support a growing community. if your just speculating and don't have a grow going pipe down, these spats arent for you, and the only point she was trying to make to you harpies was to think outside cfl, t5, or t12 if your a fucktard, and look into affordable low temp hids.. its the only point shes been trying to make from the start. save, invest, and grow smart getting as much as you can giving the plant all it needs. which i can say from experience t5's dont. and furthermore greentree hydroponics is cheap discounted quality parts so don't bash her for telling you where to find cheap goods, your just making an ass out of yourself.


Well-Known Member
CFL's only ''suck'' if you're selling to make a profit. If it's for personal use, they work great.

In a 32 gallon double-Rubbermaid (4.5 square feet) you can string in about 200-220 watts (10000-15000 lumens) and get 3 oz every harvest. Veg for 1 month, flower for 2 months = harvest every 3 months. Electric costs about $10/month extra on average.

So maybe CFL's suck if you smoke more than an ounce of KB a month. At the risk of being unpopular, if you smoke more than that and are not on a prescription, please get help.

Here's a CFL plant that went through 30 days of veg and 60 days of flower. After cutting away the large stems & leaves and drying for 2 weeks, it yielded 32 grams of bomb ass weed.

First try at growing. There were actually 2 of these in there, and the other was more sativa and yielded 24 grams after 70 days of flower. There was more than enough room for another plant in there.
i smoke more than that so fuck off


Well-Known Member
i bought t5's when i couldn't afford.. i had shit luck all my harvests were turned into hash.
What's luck go to do with it?

ive never had a space small enough to use cfl's to each thier own. i have to agree with xochi that hps is the way to best results, and if you can afford to cool them they are better as far as yields go, but once again we are looking at money. i see both of your points, xochi not everyone can afford hid.. and yes hid's can cause shitty harves DUE TO USER ERROR this includes light burning due to inefficient ventilation. the point of this board isnt to bash the shit out of one and other, its to encourage and support a growing community. if your just speculating and don't have a grow going pipe down, these spats arent for you, and the only point she was trying to make to you harpies was to think outside cfl, t5, or t12 if your a fucktard, and look into affordable low temp hids.. its the only point shes been trying to make from the start. save, invest, and grow smart getting as much as you can giving the plant all it needs. which i can say from experience t5's dont. and furthermore greentree hydroponics is cheap discounted quality parts so don't bash her for telling you where to find cheap goods, your just making an ass out of yourself.

aw. how sweet. I think you've got a little crush on xochi!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I have to say...I like my hps.It's a 150 watt, and it actually kept my room cooler than the buttload of cfl's I had.I still use cfl's for veg, but I'm thinking of getting a metal halide.I think cfl's are just slower, and more work in as far as you have to make sure they are covering the whole plant.But there are downsides to HID as well. I think it depends on what your grow style is.


Well-Known Member
if your thinking about growing and want to use a cfl, let me first ask are you growing inside a 2ft box? do you have 5 bulbs per plant? are you using it for clones? or a bonzai? if yes your fine, if not seriously please consider going to a WELL VENTILATED HPS system? your cheating yourselves and your plants. all this led and cfl talk is killing me, quit trying to be cheap and suck it up and make an investment that will more than pay for itself in no time. 1 dwc bucket 1 plant 1 250w hps light can yeild 1 pound.. what are you getting off of a cfm harvest in soil, a quad at most?
- Best Prices, Products & Delivery[/URL] has cheap fans, cold in, hot out off the light into a filter outside of the room read high times, no respectable grow setup ever gets props for using cfl's for anything other than clones.

im not trying to be a bitch but i dont want to see any of you discouraged from a shitty grow because you jew'ed yourself on the lights.
i am happy with what i grow and harvest with my cfl don't need big harvests just enought to get me by for a wile. i am not in it for the money just for my personal use. cfls are good for those on a fixed income. plus i can't go making holes in my apt building. i don't have to worry about venting my temps hardly ever get over 80 its 78 in my grow box right now with a room temp of 72.
the heat from a hid balast would put my temps over 80. don't need a pound per grow maby an oz. plus cfls are good cheep way to get started growing.youcan start veging with cfls then as your growing you can up grade to a hid if you want or if your budget will allow. if you don't like my oppion you can kindly kiss my fucking kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Not to mention their are a fucking INFINITE amount of shitty HID grows compared to CFL...

Yea I see people growing with a 400hps getting same results I am. Its all about the Lumens per sq foot. This is a really ignorant post saying CFL's suck and all. ESPECIALLY in a CFL room. If ya dont like em. DONT COME IN!


Well-Known Member
Yea I see people growing with a 400hps getting same results I am. Its all about the Lumens per sq foot. This is a really ignorant post saying CFL's suck and all. ESPECIALLY in a CFL room. If ya dont like em. DONT COME IN!
Word!!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
you people are too damn sensitive.. my feelings arent hurt when you bash hps.. fuck it i know what works for me and what works best for volume. im gonna go solar puff try to remember why we're all here, its a growing community, we're supposed to support one and another, not rake across coals.
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