CFL Bag Seed Rubbermaid 1st Grow! Lite up a blunt!


Active Member
High all, my caveman friend has been reading the forums for quite some time and finally decided to start growing for himself! I am just merely transmiting this information to all of you for his pleasure =):weed:

Sorry for the pix all I have is my phone and I dont really feel like buyin a camera either. Ok his growbox:

2 22 gal rubermaid ( sterlite w/e) containers
6x 26 Watt CFL's
1x 120 MM computer fans.

Inside of the box is painted flat white (few coats).

Box- also has 2 2 inch pvc elbows for passive intake

I know its not light proof. Its in his cave which has a padlock and weatherstrip on the inside


On to the plants..

he germinated a shit ton of them, had like 15-20 from a bag of some decent mids he was smoking. Put them in the paper towel, rubbermaid container method. Took up 2 days and almost all of them sprouted. He picked the 6 biggest ones and put them in 6 solo cups. Put them in the box with a bunch of books and stuff stacked so they are about an inch from the light.

About 4 days later one of his ladies sprouted and all but one of them followed her after (RIP).

Its been about 10 days and he feels like they are doing alright? Haha.

He waters about every 3-4 days when I feel that the soil is dry. Its just tap water that he leave in a water bottle for a few days. He really need a pH tester but he dont have the money for a pen one, can he just buy the pool ph testers? He feels like his plants have a pH problem, because the leaves are kinda retarded. He hasent used any nutes, any suggestions? HesKinda on a budget because geico doesnt pay so hott, so hopefully not to expensive suggestions.

One of his plants is having a little bit of a tough time. Hes not sure whats wrong with her. He feels like some of her leaves are like tacos, and shes just really droopy. Can anyone give me a hand?


Any suggestions, would be awesome :hug:

The other little ladies.

Temps stay at between 74-85F. Hummidy from about 40-55%.

Lights are on 18/6 on a timer.

Planning to change to 6x 42 watts for flowering.

Gonna weatherproof the sides of the boxes so no light will leak during flower and build a DIY scrubber/filter.

Now my noob questions:

1. pH Tester? Where can he get a cheap one or what can he use?
2. Anything wrong with his plants? I feel like they dont look right.
3. How many plants can he comfortably grow in that box?
4. ..And what size pots? Scrog or LST for maximum yield?
5. If he takes 1 22 gal rubbermaid, and put a fan/lights in there.. Can he veg clones in there long enough(height and growth size) while the plants in the big box flower and then switch them out?
6. When should he add nutes? Ive heard 3rd week should I wait till then?
7. When should he switch to their new pots?

I know everything is wicked ghetto. My grammar and sentence structure and probaly lack of words missing or capitals is because I am incredibly baked right now. Sorry.

Ive tried to search a bunch for the questions, but I couldnt find stuff related to my specific grow. Any suggestions, tips, comments, or if you just wana sit along and enjoy the ride of a stupid noob then fine by me :joint:

- Mac


Active Member
well see no one has responded =(

been doing some more research on setting up another container where i could do SOG. any inputs?


Active Member
holy shit im ripped, got some heads from a buddy took 1 hit and im about to buy out mcdonalds. uh, jus came home from work and saw yellowish fan leaves on one of my plants. I think it may have been because I spilt some water and soil on the top of the leaves..and because I accidently dropped it when I was lifting the cover =(. I also saw a couple brownish kinda hole loooking things on the very lowest little leave things (cotyldon or something? dunno im stunned).


Well-Known Member
from the first post:

the pics look good.

i have never completed a grow. but the two box idea would be tricky. i think you would have to keep cloning the second box to mantain size. looking at my plant those things grow like weeds.

on a second post you mention doing sog in the second container. maybe i miss read your first post. were you planning on doing two grows or one veg and one continuous flower?

what does your plant look like? you mention willow tree and i think of big swaying tree. ha


Active Member
from the first post:

the pics look good.

i have never completed a grow. but the two box idea would be tricky. i think you would have to keep cloning the second box to mantain size. looking at my plant those things grow like weeds.

on a second post you mention doing sog in the second container. maybe i miss read your first post. were you planning on doing two grows or one veg and one continuous flower?

what does your plant look like? you mention willow tree and i think of big swaying tree. ha

Hey man!:weed:
Haha yea I did too couldnt think of anything else creative :idea:.

Check out the first 2 pics of the baby girl. Gonna get more pics tommoro, but basically one of the plants has like wierd rays of yellowish kind of from when soil was on the leaves.

Feel like its time to add nutes..think I should start at 1/4 strength on some 20-20-20 ?

forgot to add: I want to have a continuous grow. The caveman smokes a bunch ya know =). But I wasnt sure if I could just use one rubbermaid say 20-35 gallon or make some kind of box that doesnt take up too much room.( caves kinda small). I also think caveman wanted to starta side PC grow project just cuz it looks so cute and cuddly. Nehoo he jus wanted to see what could be grown like this, and Im currently looking for ideas for a box where he could fit in his closet nd have something that i could either perpetually harvest or sog somethin with a few ounces every month or so would be far tha nenough to keep the caveman content.

Anyways...any suggestions to my questions anyone?


Active Member
well no one seems to want to lend a hand, but fuck it anyways

plants are exactly 2 weeks old now. im seeing some yellowing of the leaves and I think it might be time to start a low dose fert. I saw miracle grow fert 12-8-6 or 12-4-6 something at walmart for like 3.50. They also had a powder version of somethin of like 24-18-16. Dunno which one I should buy

Also picking up 8" pots and going to start LST'ing after the transplant, or hopefully if they look healthier after I transplant or nute

I dont know whats going wrong with some of my plants. Check them out and maybe someoen will be kind enough to help me out..

Some whiteish kinda looking shit on the stem?

and some pics of the super droopy plant? dunno wats going wrong here. The leaves feel kind of dry so I watered them and now their even moore droopy. Also moved them a little further away from the lights.
