CFL Closet farming , here we grow again!!3 new strains start to finish. PICS PICS PIC


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I saw the grow cabinet looking mighty sad and empty so i ordered new seeds!! I got some Advance Seeds-CRITICAL , World of Seeds-Skunk47 and some Kush Widow. I also got Bomb Seeds-Cluster Bomb and Advance-Auto Kaya 47 but those are for a later date. I have ran this cabinet for 5-6 cycles with the White Widow with amazing results and i have had plenty of time to work out the kinks. Im producing around a gram per watt running 368 watts in the flower chamber(16x23watt bulbs) and thats more than i need. I run Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and nutes , when i started I wasted alot of time trying to mix my own soil and experimenting with other store bought nutes but FF is much easier and consistant. I am germinating now so I will start with the pics once the girls are in the dirt.

Pics of ugly empty cabinet , seeds and nugs from the White Widow last rounds . Oh and a crazy new jumbo pipe I bought !!



Well-Known Member
here are the three im going to be using as moms in my perpetual closet:) its going to be a little different with three strains all with different life cycle timing . im going to rum 3 clones of each in the flower side for a total of 9 ,staggered 2-3 weeks apart to try and get the multi strain perpetual going . they will root at different times after the cloning and finish at different times so going to need a run or two to show the "natural order" of things.

im not going to post pics until im close to taking cuts , i wont bore you with the baby steps unless something cool pops up! i will still be posting and keeping track to help figure out the timing . im most excited about the "Cluster Bomb" from bomb seed co. i learned its a custom strain created by one of the major seed houses but people were bugging out so they never pushed it out to the public! supposedly the two guys who did the genetics work on it wont even smoke it because its too strong :) we shall see!!!!!!!!!

IMG_0024.jpg all three popped up after 48 hrs in the dirt

IMG_0025.jpg im changing the angles on the bulb sockets to get the light pattern even

IMG_0028.jpg hmmmm where did i put that box of my blue 26watters??


Well-Known Member
thanks man it should be lush soon ! should be interesting watching the three strains start at the same time. all the plants seem to show there true colors and their truley unique characteristics. with most regular plants you can easily look at them and you know right away what they are ie. rose, tulip , fern etc. if you watch mj plants start from seed you can see how they differ not to mention the different effects of the nugs:)

it will be a little slow getting started bc im growing three new moms from seed but once they are big enough to clip i will really get crankin again. one of them is a really fast finisher (i think the cluster bomb) flowers to finish 6-7 weeks so if i root the cuttings and veg for 2 weeks im looking at 2 month total time till its hanging to dry!~ thats 6 cycles a year and with the slow ones running 4-5 cycles a year things will be well stocked and variety will be great too.. sorry for rambling just had some of last seasons white widow in a white grape GAME brand cigar :) i love a dutch master brand too but the game seems to go better with the dank and mids and the dutch is better with lower quality buds ..



Well-Known Member
hey guys here are the three new moms . i germed in a paper towel no prob . rooted them in store bought starter soil (schults i think) then transfered them to fresh fox farms ocean forrest. i made a batch ov 1/4 strength "grow big" and they really took a hit :( i should know better but i assumed grow big was for vegging but they recomend "big bloom" in the first weeks. i flushed with BB and Advanced Hydroponics "Klean" and they stopped yellowing and im seeing new growth after about a week in the ffof. im hoping they start to look happy soon i would hate to start my new perpetual rotation with weak or slow growing moms. I will start taking pics and charting my nutes every day or two as soon as they start developing new leaves. im going to prune all three to produce multiple clones without needing alot of light by keeping them short and wide . the white widow moms i had lasted around 2-3 years with 1 gallon grow bags and 2 26 watt cfls . the small container helps keep the size reasonable and also seems to slow them down which is good because i only need a few clones from the moms every 60-80 days. to quote a master(dr bud greenegenes) "root bound is a state of mind" he flowers plants in small 20oz gatorade bottles and they still develop well with a good diet and the proper flushing to stop the salt build up and nute lockout.

i will keep the thread rocking from germ to bud and include my cloning style , nutes , lighting , pruning , trimming buds and the drying /curing stages. im no expert but any new growers with any questions are welcome and any old growers with comments and tips are also great :)



so lets get ready to rock and roll thanks for reading my crap and checking out my stuff , i really like teaching and learning about all types of pot related stuff so my threads are always open for any kind of thoughts and discussion!




Well-Known Member
hey guys the new moms are recovering from the burn I foolishly subjected them to. one is slower than the other two but that could be a strain related issue , meaning different strains act and respond in their own way. Im hoping to use the same nute and feeding schedule to keep things simple , if the ugly little plant doesnt catch up soon i will have to adjust my feeding and nute strength.IMG_0073.jpgIMG_0074.jpgIMG_0075.jpgIMG_0076.jpgIMG_0077.jpgIMG_0078.jpgIMG_0079.jpgIMG_0080.jpgIMG_0081.jpg=k
VERY NICE GROW, SIR! I been looking all over online to buy seeds and im from the U.S. PA / the burgh to be exact :P but if you can help me out where to get seeds from online and start my new closet grow out I would be so happy and keep you guys all up to date on everything. No im not new to growing and my mom caught me before and she was heated but i have my own place now and im ready to give it another shot. I just want good genetic seeds to grow with but i need help finding a legit website and im afraid to get caught buying them! PLEASE HELP :O


Well-Known Member
just some pics of the moms after their adjustment to the FFOFsoil. the ugly duckling is starting to turn around so im going to stick with the feeding schedule i have been using . they just got their dose of Grow Big and Big Bloom and they seem to all like it. i will be topping them all to promote new growth and create lots of cloning sites.

any one know the rule of thumb for pruning young plants? I like to keep the girls short and fat and i need to get some cuttings asap , i dont want to waste another week or two growing them just so i can chop off the top . if i can chop them now i can start rooting clones in 2-3 weeks but i dont want to stun or shock them .

my temps are too low bc the flower chamber is empty , when im flowering the heat passes over to the veg side but right now its under 65f . i put a 90w incandescent bulb in the reflector just to act as a heat source. hope someone out there is following along with the grow and maybe they will be inspired to start their own budget groow! you dont need a lot of money to get setup and maintain an indoor garden , my setup prodeuces more meds than i need and it can be built for under $200 . if your a handy perso or diy-er you can build a setup in a weekend and be smoking in 2-3 months. i also like to think that my cfls have shown some of the hid farmers that there is more than one way to properly light a garden.

since my first journal "4x4 grow room clean slate" i have learned alot about cfls and i even posted a guide "getting the most from your cfls" to help maximize the effeciency of your grow

thx DrBudwannabe (DrBudGreenGenes was my inspiration for the budget grow and the small containers I suggest everyone to take a look at his grow setup . google him!)



Well-Known Member attitude seed bank is the place i used for this round of seeds. the got here quick and i added a crush proof container and a tshirt to my order for an extra $10-12 bucks and i think thats a good idea . they give you free seeds with every purchase and they sell single seeds of most varieties so you dont end up extra seeds that you dont need. they sent me some auto flowering seeds by accident and they wanted me to pay for return shipping so i gave them to a friend , in their defense they said they would send me the propper seeds and include more freebies to cover shippingt. i only need seeds every 3-4 years because i clone and run a semi perpetual harvest . i will order new fresh seeds when i get bored with the flavors im working with now , the moms seem to last 2-4 yearsa depending on strain.

thx drbudwannabe

VERY NICE GROW, SIR! I been looking all over online to buy seeds and im from the U.S. PA / the burgh to be exact :P but if you can help me out where to get seeds from online and start my new closet grow out I would be so happy and keep you guys all up to date on everything. No im not new to growing and my mom caught me before and she was heated but i have my own place now and im ready to give it another shot. I just want good genetic seeds to grow with but i need help finding a legit website and im afraid to get caught buying them! PLEASE HELP :O


Well-Known Member
i brought the temp in the veg chamber up with a 90watt incandescent bulb and its around 72f and the plants love it! it was really cold before and after 2 days of warmth they are really taking off . i took alot of pics in different positions and camera settings to see what looks the best so sorry for the chunk of pics that we dont really need to see :)



Well-Known Member
whats a guy got to do to get some subscribed followers?? i put my journals together to help track my progress as well as help newbs so i hate just posting up things that only i get to see and read


Well-Known Member
well i think this journal it just for me and my record keeping but im going to keep posting updates and hopefully other people will follow along :)

the cluster bomb looks like the charlie brown christmas tree but i think thats because it got the worst burn in my early nute nisshsap.

the kush x widow is a bit larger and is starting to fill out nicely .

the Advance Seeds "Critical" is going nucking futz! this would be the ideal plant to fim , sog , scrog and will also produce tons of cuttings.

i could start the three Criticals now then wait two weeks for the K x Widow and another two weeks wait then the Cluster Bomb. that would get me a true perpetual setup but then i need three seperate feeding strengths and feeding schedules but thats a pain in the ass so im going to wait till i can get cuttings from all three moms and root them at the same time. the dfifferent grow speeds should give me a semi perpetual harvest and that will work out well. i will take a round of cuttings from the moms 2 weeks before i chop so i dont have any lagging while waiting to root.



Well-Known Member
the bomb is catching up but the spread between nodes is pretty long . the kush x widow looking bushy as i expected and the critical is really lush. monday i will be cutting clones of all three to start rooting. im going to flower 3 of each per "season" . this time i will cut 6-8 of each and try the jiffy pots vs the fox farms ocean forest to see which roots faster.. also im using clonex gel i stopped using shultz take root powder after the clone-off . the gel beat the powder 9-1 . i had 20 White Widow cuttings and 9 gel showed roots before the first one popped on the powder treated cuttings and that made me a gel only cloner :) i might also build another bubble cloner to speed rooting but i really dont know alot about ph and ppm so i try to keep it simple . my last cloner got algae and they all died before rooting ???

thx , drbudwannabe



Active Member
nice work mate - loving the info your providing

i just setup my own cfl grow box myself - got some easyryder going

will be keeping an eye on your grow


Well-Known Member
i cut about 6 clones off of each mother plant to start cloning . i will keep the strongest 3 from each strain. i also put a few in the jiffy pots , i have never had luck with them but i bought a new propagator(greenhouse) and they are included in the package so lets see what happens. i put no nutes or superthrive in my clone water and i use cloning gel so they should all root. i raised the greenhouse up near the incandecent bulb to keep them warm cold clones take 3-4 weeks to root (if they survive) warm moist clones can root in as little as 5-7 days . i will root for 14 days under 24 hr light then 1 day in the dark before 12/12 to keep them short in the flower chamber.

i hope some guys are following along im also shooting video through out the cycle for a set of instructional videos that will be geared toward newer closet farmers and low budget setups. i like to keep things simple and cheap and you can get great results without breaking the bank!

check it out hope everyone is good :) drbudwannabe



Well-Known Member
your plants are looking nice and healthy - good luck with the clones

my journal is here if you want to check it out -

now that i have tried a bunch of different cloniong and growing setups i can usually get 100% clone success so now im just trying to find faster and easier ways to get the job done . im also going to do some extra rooting so i can trade clones. i got my origional white widow from a guy in virginia and my second widow from a grower in holland now they both grow my "Signature Strain" NJ Barbwire.. it started out as mid grades i bought and pollen from skunk #1 (my first time crossing strains) so im going to try mailing rooted clones now the others were just cuttings and i only got 2 out of 10 to root so pre rooted is my next mission. i think im also going to try grafting a branch or two to see how that goes :) kinda like 1 big bud from my cluster bomb growing off the side of my kush x widow plant . i grafted pink dogwood branches onto a white dogwood tree and it went really well i wont know until spring what color the flowers will be but the branches are strong and healthy!

my clone temps were over 100f so i need to bring that down to around 80f and they should all be fine .

i will check out your setup asap thanks for checking out mine :)


Active Member
just looked up dogwood trees - they look awesome. i dont think we have them down under, not sure. let me know how it goes - i love growing all sorts of plants not just the good stuff. been thinking of starting a bunch of different chili plants

i like the sound of your grafting experiment - good luck with it


You don't seem to have a Journal going mate, just post.....turn it in a Journal and I will be happy to follow it. check your account and you will see that it sate under journal: "hasn't started bloging yet"


looking good man. Gonna follow along and see how this turns out! Reading and following as much as I can right now, getting ready to start my grow and day now, so soaking in knowledge. Keep up the great work