CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey


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a lil nute burn on one?

or is that from when they were getting hot?

have you checked the PH of your soil yet? i believe you can have it checked for little money at home depot, can also buy a cheap soil PH test kit for like 10 bucks. people say PH usually is not a issue with soil grows but i have been lurking these forums for a bit now and i see alot of issues with it, me and loyalty both had impropper PH levels, i just fixed mine he fixed his a while back and his plants definatly made a great comeback.

from what i understand nutrient burn starts in the verry tips and works its way to the middle where deficiencys start in the middle of the leaf node.

anyways, if you havent had the soil tested it really wouldnt hurt to get that done and raise/lower it if need be. ideal soil PH is 6.8
The burn was from when they in the hot soil. No recent burns have come about. I've seen a cheap soil ph gauge at Ace I thought about getting but I like to take things one step at a time lol. Might have to get one this weekend. I too agree from my lurking that a proper soil ph IS important!
i do agree if they are on day 28 they should be much larger wich means there is an underlying issue why they are not growing.

you have 8 CFL on them right? 26w each so right now i would like to say they have enough light so you can rule that out. but heat will cause a growth stunt so your previous heat issue may be contributing to the lack of growth. you fixed the heat issue so may se a surprising growth spurt in a few days.

ideal temp is 76 and ideal humidity is 60-75% (i believe, i know its pretty high) for veg stage, might be worth it to construct a mini greenhouse. get a roll of clear plastic and some strapping and screw together a quick frame and wrap it in platic, then drop the lights through a hole cut in top. you have a good setup for doing something like this. i dunno lol, stoned and overthinking shit :)
it is true, they should be bigger. Hell Tom was bigger at 3 weeks than these ones are at 4. I blame that one the heat/soil issues I was having and also the shock from the transplant. There was a good 5-6 days where there was hardly ANY growTh at all! Only in the past few days have we seen them start literally SHOOTING up! I bet next weeks update pics will surprise you on how much they've grown! :)

Also I read on a couple other sources that an ideal tem is between 75-85*
I never let it go above 83 and it hasn't got below 70 at night in a long time. Can't believe this freaking weather this winter. Normally I've got 8" of snow in my driveway by this time of year and it was 55 the other day!!


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yeah i hear ya, we actually just got some snow today in new england, im in northern new england and usually we have a couple feet of snow moved in by now and what we got so far today hasnt even covered all the grass, maybe 3"


Well-Known Member
i think your plants are gonna straighten out and grow quick here in next couple weeks, :)

like i said before tho it dosent hurt and its not expensive to get that soil tested for PH just in case

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
thats is a boy congradulations, no need for a soil tester just ph your nutes and water @ 6.0 and you will be fine top dress with worm tea between feedings


Well-Known Member
thats is a boy congradulations, no need for a soil tester just ph your nutes and water @ 6.0 and you will be fine top dress with worm tea between feedings
first off it doesent matter what PH your water and nute solution is going in the soil is going to buffer it to whatever PH the soil is within minutes so if the soil PH is off it needs to be corrected.

and second the plant is not a boy(yet), thats not even where preflowers start!!


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zip, get yerself a couple of plastic bags 3 to be exact and get a nice soil sample from the middle of the pot, then take the 3 samples to a local greenhouse / agway or home depot (call around see who does soil tests) and get your soil tested. this is the first step and a important one. i garuntee you wont regret it as you have nothing to lose but alot to gain :)


Well-Known Member
This is the only type of tester they have at Ace. Would all these tests be good? I've got a $5 off coupon so I may go use it today :)

YES!!! actually i bought a digital PH tester and im going to return it and buy that exact same soil test kit, i cant vouch for it from experience but the more info you know about your soil the better IMO, and hey 5 bucks off.

it sucks spending money i know, i always have "sopmething else" i need to buy and the wife is ready to kill me but look at it like this. its an investment for future grows as well, you wont need to buy one every grow so as you keep buying future grows become less expensive and higher yeilding. it all works out in the long run


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Meh, a few bucks here and there isn't a big deal. I spend way more on my car when I need parts so this is cheap as hell to me compared to what I'm used to lol


Well-Known Member
you just gave me an idea. i need a more expensive hobby than growing so the growing dosent look so bad HAHA.

i just bought a 200$ light and a 100$ tent and 125$ worth of seeds and a 35$ fan and a all kinds of other shit, im up to about 600$ now but i should be all set for my next grow. the only thing i need is a little bit of ducting for my fan and light.

my worms came in today so im hoping they get to work fast on this compost deal and make me some nice ammendments for my next grow. i have some trial seeds setup right now to see what the quality of my soil is going to be, im hoping i can let them go for a few weeks without any additional fertilizers. and there shoulnt be ANY burns as my medium is 100% organic


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[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Here's another pic from this morning. I can't see how it could be a male since I'm Not flowering yet and the rest of the nodes where preflowers normally show all look normal. Here's annother pic from this morning.

Now I swear I can see 3 or 4 little ball looking things on her. Just worried she might ruin the other 2 of my plants :(



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[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Well Belle is officially a Male and I took it out of my grow closet. Tried to get a good pic of the balls. They're only on the top node which is really weird. Also it shouldn't be showing this soon and that confuses me. No more bagseed for me!!

Sad I have to kill another plant :([/FONT]


Well-Known Member
yeah that sucks, and its weird

oh and i just went out and bought that same test kit. traded my cheaper digital PH meter in for it, tested everything seems to be good


Active Member
Got this house plant (no idea what it is) that has been starting to get top heavy to the point that it's falling over. So I did a little lst and put it on my closet to help strengthen it up with the fan and straighten it up with the lights :)
