CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

I had to close the door to the room that has my grow closet in it for a little bit today while company was over. I left the closet door open inside the room with my fan blowing fresh air onto my plants. When I opened it again about an hour later I got a good wiff of MJ! This is the first time I have noticed any odour at all and so I started researching carbon filters only to find that they only work when you have an intake/exhaust system, which I do not have. Now I'm wondering about smell masking options.

Made this thread to try and find a solution:
i heard growing lilac or some other really smelly flower will mask the smell a bit.

also with the time laps, you have to do it over a week minimum, maybe set you intravals a bit further apart. a pic every 4 hours for 168 hours, this will give you 42 pics and run them at 2 FPS and you will get a 21 sec video, or you could run them at 4 FPS and have a 10 sec vid. should notice some growth then. really the time lapse gets better with the more pics/time you give it.
I had to close the door to the room that has my grow closet in it for a little bit today while company was over. I left the closet door open inside the room with my fan blowing fresh air onto my plants. When I opened it again about an hour later I got a good wiff of MJ! This is the first time I have noticed any odour at all and so I started researching carbon filters only to find that they only work when you have an intake/exhaust system, which I do not have. Now I'm wondering about smell masking options.

Made this thread to try and find a solution:

Ona Gel is supposed to work wonders.
Well I got bored tonight and decided to post up some pictures of how they're doing since the transplant. The tops of all three are growing great now and the little branches are starting at all the nodes. I can clearly see the nute burn from the MG soil on the lowest leaves now and I'm glad I'm done with that shit. All the new growth is freshly green:-o







Now another question comes to mind: When to water next? I gave them a small amount of water 7 days ago when I transplanted. I don't want to water them too soon and over do things again :(
if your still using the MG soil just give them small amounts of water at a time, you can also mist them to keep them hydrated without releasing nutes in the soil.

my next grow i will be using a pro mix soiless mix, organic perilite and compost/worm castings. i will be still using some of the MG plant food and probally using ALOT of the Tea i can make from my compost bin, i just have to water the bin through the top and it drains into the drain tote and wallah, good compost tea from worm casings and composted carbon material.

if you have the extra space you should look into red worm composting, make your own organic soil and save on trash space, its the "green" way to go :) its also pretty interesting to do.

i believe with my worms it cost me around 50$ to setup and about 2 hours to puyt together. i have semi tutorial in my thread. also if your concerned about smell my bin sits right next to my computer wich i spend more than 60% of my day at ( im a computer info systems major in college so all my work is on this machine) and i dont smealll anything, it does have a earthy smell to it when i open the lid but its not a bad smell.

only issue right now is getting bedding but if you can find some newspaper and cardboard your all set.

Reposting this so it can be on the current page:

Well I got bored tonight and decided to post up some pictures of how they're doing since the transplant. The tops of all three are growing great now and the little branches are starting at all the nodes. I can clearly see the nute burn from the MG soil on the lowest leaves now and I'm glad I'm done with that shit. All the new growth is freshly green:-o







Now another question comes to mind: When to water next? I gave them a small amount of water 7 days ago when I transplanted. I don't want to water them too soon and over do things again :(
plants will "wilt" when they are thirsty. you can pick up a moisture gauge for under 10 bucks, i almost bought one the other day but decided against it.

best way i have found and i hate to just repeat the interweb babble but the lift the pot method works great, if the pot is light water, if its heavy dont....its simple, and thats whjy i like it.

also george cervantes said its really hard to overwater plants if they have proper drainage. you definatly dont want to water them 2 times a day so the soil never has a chance to dry out but every 3-4 days should be fine. the thing is when the soil dries out it produces O2 in the soil wich the plants need, not allowing them to dry out basicly deprives the plants of that O2.
plants will "wilt" when they are thirsty. you can pick up a moisture gauge for under 10 bucks, i almost bought one the other day but decided against it.

best way i have found and i hate to just repeat the interweb babble but the lift the pot method works great, if the pot is light water, if its heavy dont....its simple, and thats whjy i like it.

also george cervantes said its really hard to overwater plants if they have proper drainage. you definatly dont want to water them 2 times a day so the soil never has a chance to dry out but every 3-4 days should be fine. the thing is when the soil dries out it produces O2 in the soil wich the plants need, not allowing them to dry out basicly deprives the plants of that O2.

Gotcha. I actually saw a moisture gauge at Ace when I was there the other day for about $10. Might have to pick that bad boy up today just to be on the safe side. I understand the "dry and wet weight" but it's hard at this point for me to use this method since I JUST transplanted into these pots and they feel the same weight today as the day I transplanted lol. I'm gonna pick up that guage here on lunch break :)
It looks like that MG soil is burning your plant. You should go with something lighter or if you don't have access to high quality soil you should flush that soil real good before you use it to get all the GNAR out.
It looks like that MG soil is burning your plant. You should go with something lighter or if you don't have access to high quality soil you should flush that soil real good before you use it to get all the GNAR out.
For the third time: I am no longer using MG. im using Fox Farms Happy Frog

Also went and got that moisture gauge and all 3 plants have completely dry soil!! Gonna do some reading to find out EXACTLY how much water to give them.
For the third time: I am no longer using MG. im using Fox Farms Happy Frog

Also went and got that moisture gauge and all 3 plants have completely dry soil!! Gonna do some reading to find out EXACTLY how much water to give them.

Sorry i missed that. I don't think you have to read about how much water to give them. Varying conditions require more/less water. Here is what I do.
I water til i get some run-off. I leave the run-off as sometimes the soil will reabsorb it from below. To find out when to re-water I first stick my finger about in inch into the soil. If it is bone dry I water. You can also pick up your planters, Se how much they weigh. If it's light its time to water. Let the plants tell you when they need water, not some book. With heat as well as different size roots systems water is used at different rates. Just check up on it daily.

Forgot to mention that after about a 1/2 hour i dump standing excess water which hasn't been re-absorbed
you ant to water till you have some runoff, just get something to put them in so you dont get everything soaked, water till it comes out bottom, hold plant up till runoff stops then put em on a plate to catch acess water so its not making a mess.

also you are still using MG soil as thats what you planted them in originally and when you transplanted that soil stayed with the roots (im assuming unless you ripped the plants out of the soil by the roots), i only say this because that MG soil is still going to release nutrients. again im not sure how you transplanted em either.
Thanks guys. I ended up adding about 1/4 of a Solo cup of water at a time to each plant and waited a few minutes for the soil to absorb it all, then repeated until I saw a little bit of runoff out the bottom. My moisture gauge isnt showing any of the pots to be "too wet" so I think I got it just right this time.

Hopefully now with some fresh (not high ph like before) water, and the better soil they will start to grow good :)
also you are still using MG soil as thats what you planted them in originally and when you transplanted that soil stayed with the roots (im assuming unless you ripped the plants out of the soil by the roots), i only say this because that MG soil is still going to release nutrients. again im not sure how you transplanted em either.
ya I understand that. I lightly shook as much of the MG soil off the roots as I could when I transplanted. There really wasn't much old soil mixed into the new so hopefully there isn't too much of the nutes left to destroy my leaves.

Im hoping (and trying my best) to make sure all this new growth stays green and doesn't brown like the lower leaves