Well-Known Member
sweet i cant wait to see it. bout to take some pics of my buds, they are coming along nicely 

I had to close the door to the room that has my grow closet in it for a little bit today while company was over. I left the closet door open inside the room with my fan blowing fresh air onto my plants. When I opened it again about an hour later I got a good wiff of MJ! This is the first time I have noticed any odour at all and so I started researching carbon filters only to find that they only work when you have an intake/exhaust system, which I do not have. Now I'm wondering about smell masking options.
Made this thread to try and find a solution:
if your still using the MG soil just give them small amounts of water at a time,
plants will "wilt" when they are thirsty. you can pick up a moisture gauge for under 10 bucks, i almost bought one the other day but decided against it.
best way i have found and i hate to just repeat the interweb babble but the lift the pot method works great, if the pot is light water, if its heavy dont....its simple, and thats whjy i like it.
also george cervantes said its really hard to overwater plants if they have proper drainage. you definatly dont want to water them 2 times a day so the soil never has a chance to dry out but every 3-4 days should be fine. the thing is when the soil dries out it produces O2 in the soil wich the plants need, not allowing them to dry out basicly deprives the plants of that O2.
For the third time: I am no longer using MG. im using Fox Farms Happy FrogIt looks like that MG soil is burning your plant. You should go with something lighter or if you don't have access to high quality soil you should flush that soil real good before you use it to get all the GNAR out.
For the third time: I am no longer using MG. im using Fox Farms Happy Frog
Also went and got that moisture gauge and all 3 plants have completely dry soil!! Gonna do some reading to find out EXACTLY how much water to give them.
ya I understand that. I lightly shook as much of the MG soil off the roots as I could when I transplanted. There really wasn't much old soil mixed into the new so hopefully there isn't too much of the nutes left to destroy my leaves.also you are still using MG soil as thats what you planted them in originally and when you transplanted that soil stayed with the roots (im assuming unless you ripped the plants out of the soil by the roots), i only say this because that MG soil is still going to release nutrients. again im not sure how you transplanted em either.