CFL closet grow///Low budget


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys I Grew and told on here before and now its time for my second grow, its nothin special only one plant ( tryed 4 and 3 went bad ) but I'm gonna share it with you guys anyways haha

Day one -

I planted the little spurt yesterday at 7:00 pm eastern time after 7 days of germination.
Im currently using 1 42 watt CFL cool white, with a pop can cut out and over it as a reflector like shown on the FAQ. I planted it about 1/2 - 3/4 inch into the soil and litely covered it wish soil.
Its about a quarter inch out of the soil at this point and looking ok so far.

I have limited space and its in my closet but I should be able to grow it a few feet anyways. I look forward to finding some more seeds soon and hope for this one to atleast be a female :grin:.

Please anything and everything anyone has to say will be greatly appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you guys once i post the pics :joint:

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Well-Known Member

DAY 2 -

The plant seems to be doing well, it hasent grown too much today only a quarter inch its about half inch out of the soil ( I would post pics but I cant find my camera )
I put another light that i found laying around over top of it aswell its only a 10 watt cfl but its better than nothing right??
so now I have a 42 watt CFL and a 10 watt CFL over top

Theres not a whole lot to say about it at this point just that its growing fine and i can see the first set of leaves forming and sprouting up


Well-Known Member
alright day 3 -

there dosent seem to be mch growth going on at all really, like a quarter inch only im gonna try putting the lights a half inch closer so itll be a little uner an inch away !! ill let ya know how it turns out.

also one of the first round leaves isnt there theres only one :S so im not sure if thats affecting it aswell ????