Cfl closet grow sativa *poor man*


Well-Known Member
Your plant is looking nice, I wish you could flower till end. I think you can still get a good yield but thats just me um gona be around to chk it out. Subbed +Rep .
I am on my first grow atm but my brother is growing this sativa not sure if its 100% sativa or hybrid.
Um gona tell him to flower it soon, your one got very tall.
Yea i started 12/12 at 8inches, one of them has now reached 3ft+ the other 2.5ft. It wont stay compact once you switch to flower, unless you topped and lst or have
an H.I.D really close, i'd expect it to stretch like mine.
Wow man looks pretty darn close to %100 sat. leaves look almost identical to mine, and i got my plant straight from Africa.
Thanks man I'm hoping things work out, as i had sooo many first grow mistakes. feel free to look through my thread for some of my own f-ups lest your repeat them.


Well-Known Member
Dont read this if you are squeamish. So I plucked the nuts off my hermie plant and
rather than let them go to waste, I quick dried and smoked it from my bubbler and it actually gave me
some form of immature high, so all is definitely not lost.



Dont read this if you are squeamish. So I plucked the nuts off my hermie plant and
rather than let them go to waste, I quick dried and smoked it from my bubbler and it actually gave me
some form of immature high, so all is definitely not lost.

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really?? doesnt even look as it there are much crystals on that bud at all. I smoked a bud after about 4 weeks of flower and it didnt do too much lol, maybe made my head tingle a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Growing calyx by calyx. Some closeups

How many more weeks would you guess a plant like this would need before it reaches its peak harvest stage


Well-Known Member
Good News People. Thanks to a good friend my grow is still growing, and has been flowering for about 10 weeks now.
Bad news. the plants have been a bit seeded by the hermie, which i have since harvested and smoked.

Now i wanted to know if this bud looks about done to you guys. pics were taken last week.
Bud is super loose, no density whatsoever. Any tips on how to get it to fill out?



Well-Known Member
glad to see a relatively good ending, or at least a better chance
time will help, a sativa dominant can go 14 weeks easy(or more), getting the cfl's as close as possible will help
but at this point, it's hard to change too much


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they dont look quite done frOm the puctures (they arent the best, hard to see exactly) but if 10 weeks of flower... I'd say near done or done. Gl!


Well-Known Member
Harvesting the runt in stages, here is the mid sectionish area: 022.jpg029.jpg005.jpg

The bud from the other female plant has been shriveled and burned by cfl, not sure what to do really, so i'm gonna just chop the whole thing soon, but heres what it looks like now:003.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well guys. I just chopped most of the remaining branches and am in the process of drying the bud. The first grow is just about under my belt.
Made SEVERAL mistakes, but hopefully this thread saves others from repeating them. If i can grow again. I would
definitely do this strain under H.i.d. because it delivers a great head high despite the low comparative yield.


Well-Known Member
Smell - sweet, spicy, earthy like some type of cooking ingredient.
Taste - unique herby taste + see smell ^
High - Very clear cerebral high. gives that video game effect to life. suddenly you can hear/see/feel things you
didn't notice before. white noise around the house, the birds outside. etc. the clothing on your skin,
what your room smells like to an outsider etc. Feels like you are simultaneously thinking on multiple threads.
Definitely Helps Perceive more complexity/detail in visual/audio stimuli, Like viewing the world through a macro lens.
Other - The high lasts about 1-2 hours after smoking a small-normal amount; much stronger high lasts a couple more hours
if a lot is smoked.


Well-Known Member
nice summation, classic dominant sativa
as consolation, HID may give you more, but even HID sativa grows aren't always big yielders


Active Member
What was your final dried weight, or did you not weigh it? That really does look like a beauty of a sativa, btw.


Well-Known Member
What was your final dried weight, or did you not weigh it? That really does look like a beauty of a sativa, btw.
thanks man. I only weighed a few branches together. i estimate that I only got about 1.5oz dry total. Its low particularly due to the seeding, and burnt crop and such..


Well-Known Member
Smell - sweet, spicy, earthy like some type of cooking ingredient.
Taste - unique herby taste + see smell ^
High - Very clear cerebral high. gives that video game effect to life. suddenly you can hear/see/feel things you
didn't notice before. white noise around the house, the birds outside. etc. the clothing on your skin,
what your room smells like to an outsider etc. Feels like you are simultaneously thinking on multiple threads.
Definitely Helps Perceive more complexity/detail in visual/audio stimuli, Like viewing the world through a macro lens.
Other - The high lasts about 1-2 hours after smoking a small-normal amount; much stronger high lasts a couple more hours
if a lot is smoked.
I would also like to add that sometimes the high allows me to flex a muscle so hard it pops(literally cramps up).
Also it seems to enhance performance in the sack. believe this, 1 hour of non-stop sex, followed by wonder from my lady about "how it grew
so much?".


I would also like to add that sometimes the high allows me to flex a muscle so hard it pops(literally cramps up).
Also it seems to enhance performance in the sack. believe this, 1 hour of non-stop sex, followed by wonder from my lady about "how it grew
so much?".
hahahaha best comment ever lol.... seriously u selling any? ill pay anything. i might have to smoke alot though, hung like a hamster and all. : (