CFL closet harvest


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have pictures of a closet grow done completly with CFLs & fluros. This is the route I'm taking & I would just like to see a finished plant done this way. Thanx


Well-Known Member
I don't have any pics of weed being grown under CFL's. But if you look in my gallery you'll see my veg room is set up with T12's on top for seeds and cuttings, and on the bottom I'm using T5 bulbs for vegging.
If you look in the bloom room pic you'll see my peppers. That pic was day 3 in flowering.
I'm using a 400 watt HPS for flowering


Well-Known Member
check the last few pages of my journal the link is in my sig, I have only used cfls just harvested 2 plants about 1.25 ounces dry


Well-Known Member
Anyone have pictures of a finished plant that used both CFL & fluro all the way through - Not just CFL?


Well-Known Member
hrm i saw some a little while ago.. maybe yesterday. Theyre up here somewhere. I smoked some and noticed little difference between that and hps, also the bud was grown with _alot_ of cfls..


Active Member
[BionicChronic];862647 said:
what do you mean by that???
CHRIST. He said post pics with cfl AND normal floros. That is what he meant by combo setup. I get the feeling some ppl on riu need to start actually reading a thread before they post in it.

I probably sound really crabby right here... fuck it.

Submit Reply!


Well-Known Member
I am doing my maiden grow with a t5 all the way and mixed my bulbs to half red and half blue...we'll see. I am gonna get a couple t5 to add for side lighting later on when they get larger.


Well-Known Member
Looks nice daisy2687. I'm about 2 weeks into 12/12 & have tons of little white hairs, but I'm anxious to see the start of an actual bud. How long was it for you till you could see bud formation? Are your 4' tubes horizontal over the plant or do you have them positioned vertical?


Active Member
OK, as the title says, this is my first grow. Hell, I dont even smoke the stuff, I am a care-giver for someone with Multiple Sclerosis and we thought we would give it a go. So far it has been both fun and disappointing. I find myself wanting this grow to be over with so I can get things ready for the next grow. Anyways now on to the nitty-gritty.

The foliage area is around 2 feet by 2 feet

The strain is BIGBUD (I think, they added 5 extra seeds with it, which we decided to start out with, and I dont know if they just added 5 more big bud seeds, or just took it from a mix)

I am doing a soil grow and am using FOXFARMS soil

I am usin ALL CFLS=4,000 lumens 3000k/ 6,400 lumens 6500k/15,600
lumens 2700k

The lights stay about 1 to 2 1/2 inches away from the tops of the buds (this was my first scrog and I wast able to keep the buds perfectly level)

I am past week 4 in the flower stage, the lights are set for 12/12

I am using foxfarms GROW BIG, BIG BLOOM, and TIGER BLOOM
the feeding routine I am using is day1=NUTES,day2=NONE,day3=half NUTES,day4=NONE,day5=WATER w/ MOLASSES,day6=NONE (repeat process)

The temps do get kinda hot, but we do our best to not let it get past 88 F
( he refuses to let his Air Conditioner run all day)

the humidity is around 46


The buds seem wispy, is there a good chance they will become more dense, If so when, and what can I do to encourage them to do so?

Also I do not see any resin or trichomes. Should I be seeing them by now, and do I need a magnifier to see them, because I am just looking with my eyes. When does the resin start to cover the leaves and buds, and what can I do to encourage this?

pic1=cabinet I built/ pic2=plants in veg stage/ pic3=scrog as of 5/19/08/ pic4= close up of flower

Thank you for any replies!



Well-Known Member
Looks nice daisy2687. I'm about 2 weeks into 12/12 & have tons of little white hairs, but I'm anxious to see the start of an actual bud. How long was it for you till you could see bud formation? Are your 4' tubes horizontal over the plant or do you have them positioned vertical?
Wait another 2 weeks and you'll start seeing some colas growing and some green bud growing. They didnt really start looking promising till like 6 weeks