CFL Concept Question


Active Member
Hello all, i'd just like to say how impressed I am with the site. I'm looking to make a stealth grow op in our cold unfinished basement. Ideally like a 2x3x6'(DxWxH) closet type fixture. I'm thinking about using bathroom light fixtures (those bar lights holding 4 uncovered lights see link for example: Bulb Bar.jpg) I was hoping to put CFL lights in and have a vertically placed barlight on all four sides of my grow setup with maybe 2 or 3 lights on each side. I'm only going to be growing like 2-4 plants. I know CFL lights produce little heat so I'm wondering whether I should maybe put a low wattage (like 75w?) HID lamp to light from above to HEAT my grow room and provide some light from above with the CFL lights lighting the four sides :confused: . Haha ironic that I'm worried about heat but it will be in the 40-50F range in the room. Any suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated. Peace


Well-Known Member
i dont know how much heat a 75w puts off but i know my 400w in my closet keeps my entire room nice and toasty lol


New Member
cfls tend to put off a decent amout of heat... its just spread over more surface area so the heat is less focused i have 100 watt cfls and they are hot to the touch and warm the decent sized space sufficiently... ofc i have no ventalation. if you plan on doing things the right way the first time i suggest u not fucking around with cfls and just get a 400 watt hps...... if you think about it hps have better results then cfls( in 99% of case's) so instead of picking up 100$ in cfls... then wireing.... then fixtures...why not just pick up a cheap hps setup for alittle more then 100$ ... it would fix your temperature delema ... give you better results and be much more clean cut then riging a bunch of cfls together ... considering you have more vertical room then horizontal then use the space above for lights... dont put lights all around... hps should be sufficient for getting throu most foliage .... sound like a better idea? . keep in mind i am an idiot ignore everything i just said