cfl entertainment center turned grow box


Well-Known Member
also anyone out there use these nutes. they are general hydropics floramicro, floragro, and flowrabloom?


Active Member
Nice box.
that's plenty of light for those seedlings, even a bit much. But they'll be bigger in a week or so anyways so it doesn't matter.

Good luck, and sorry I've never heard of those nutes. If they're organic you have nothing to worry about. If they are chem-ferts, be carefull not to overdose.


Well-Known Member
Should I use the seedling mixture or a mild mixture. The seedling mix is a 1/4tsp of each micro, gro, bloom where as the mild is 1 tsp of each?


Well-Known Member
well here it is. 3 weeks from sprout. my box is all completed. i installed a small peice of glass in the top of my flower side and with that i can run 5 42 watt cfl's in there with temps only 3 degrees hotter than the room. but its hot here. around 80 during the day so when it cools down i can install more. i have room for 4 more. also it has been about 1 day since i watered them with the general hydroponics 3 part fert system i picked up and have noticed a dramatic increase in growth, node develpment, leaf formation, and the overall health of the plants looks alot better. i used the mild blend which was a mixture of 1 tsp/gallon of floramicro, floraveg, and florabloom. how long should i wait to re fertilize again with the full strength veg mix?



Active Member
Personally I dont really use any nutes until 2 weeks in, but I'm just playing it safe. A mild nute solution will speed things up if done properly. Assuming those are indeed organic fertilizers, I would fertilize once a week while plants young, then moving towards 2-3 times a week when the plant is mature (aprox 30days). Careful not to overwater right now, the plants are still sensitive. If you dont already have something that test the moisture of the soil I would pick one up, they're super cheap, and super-common @ any garden center. You're temp sounds excellent, I grow around 85-90, which is not ideal, but I haven't had any problems yet. An ideal range would be 80-84 degrees, but a little cooler or warmer is not a huge issue.

I've heard keeping plants fairly close to the bulbs when they are younger helps reduce size, just be really careful when they still vegging. I've had plants seemingly grow inches overnight, and they can obviously be damaged by the bulbs. You can try and anticipate growth spurts, they're usually after watering, or fertilizing. Keeping your plants about 2'' away is probably safe, if you have lower temps you can afford to get plants this close, and closer. can't wait to see how this turns out.

I going to start building my own Stealth cabinet soon. I have my bubbleponics system, and my seeds right now. I'm just getting the seeds started, but I still dont have my box yet, I'm trying to think of what would be best, and what could be weather-proof enough to go out on my sheltered deck.


Well-Known Member
alright cool. ya i would really like to get a small hydro setup i nthere but i am gunna wait and see how good the cab works with just soil. i am also starting like 6 to 8 plants that im just gunna flower right from seed.


Well-Known Member
What strain do you think would be a good choice for my cab. I was thinking maybe some diesel. Don't know what strain of diesel exactly.


Active Member
I would give the plants a brief veg time. Just becasue they wont start flowering untill they've reached a certain maturity anyways, which will come at arount 3 - 4weeks. So i would consider setting your lights to 16-18 hours during the the first 3 weeks. I would use Low Stress Training, to bend the plant down and let the branched become main colas. Then start flowering at around 3- 4 week. You'll still have really compact plants, and get more bud in the end. I've tried flowering right from seed and wasn't very impressed. Even if your lights are already 12 and 12, you could still switch it to 16 hours for a week or two, because they probably aren't trying to flower yet anyways. Good luck with whatever you decide. post some picks too.


Well-Known Member
Here's a link to my grow journal with updated info. I also just got a digital camera so the nest time I post pics they will be way better quality. And thx for the info man. I didn't know that they veg for a while regardless. So that's a will do. I am posting updated pics tomorrow. They are looking nice and healthy. Gets a lil hot, up to like 86 when it's super hot outside. It was like 83 today.


Active Member
I'm in a F'n heat wave right now. Today was the highest temps recorded in the last 100 something years, and the record for highest temperature Ever Recorded!!! My chamber was at like 99o all day. But somehow my plants seem to be thriving when they should be dying. Check out the picks I post tomorrow and see.


Well-Known Member
ya def been hot. my box temps have been about 85-90 for veg and around 84 for flower. sucks. i dont wanna run my air conditioning every day all day cuz that shit gets expensive.


Active Member
Mmmm beautiful grow box man..Just some heads up. I know they are already close in proximity due to height, but there should be more than 2-3" of space between CFLs and plant (just putting something under the pot like a deadweight can fix this)...Also, if you plan on doing many small plants on there, if you get a bushy strain I would recommend putting some CFLs pointed up , with a fixture on the bottom 'floor' of the box around the sides, for supplemental ;)

My bad about the raising the plants...hadn't seen all these new pages...


Well-Known Member
ya man i gave a 2 80mm cpu fans intake for flowering chamber with 2 exhaust. my lights are separated at the top with glass from the bottom. the fans suck the cool air from below up around the far side of the glass, over the bulbs and out into a separate chamber before its blown out the back of the box. veg room has one intake and 2 exhaust directly up into the separate exhaust room. in this exhaust room i have room to make a carbon filter. but i have found it more efficient to buy a carbon closet deoderizer and that works just fine. if that doesnt make sense here are the pics. my temps do not go over 81 in my flower side and 83 in my veg side.

