CFL Flowering Cycle Question


Well-Known Member
I still have a month or so until flowering but I wanted to know one thing ahead of time. I wanted to know how much CFL wattage does a SINGLE flowering plant need....I have 6 27 watt bulbs (total of 7600 lumens), would that be enough?


Well-Known Member
I currently have 1 plant under 6 2700k cfl's, 2 6500k cfl's, and 2 flouro's and it seems to be working great! How big of a plant are you trying to grow?


Well-Known Member
Got them from home depot daylight {6 27 watt (total of 7800 lumens)}....for one plant during flowing what you think? Only veggin her for 6/7 weeks, shes growing pretty fast heres some pics below...these pics are at 14 days from sprout


Well-Known Member
Oh I do! I have these cool lights from target that I can put anywere (snake looking things)..have it 2 inches from the plant, 4 of them right now (5200 lumens total).


Active Member
i believe you are using 6500K lights. The light you have is probably labeled as "full spectrum", correct?


Well-Known Member
No I have the daylight setting not full spectrum...each one of my bulbs gives out 1300 lumens


Well-Known Member
That gives me an idea, snake lights! Bravo.
You have reflectors on them?
I will have reflectors later on...maybe. The reason I wouldnt is because I can practically have any (6) of my lights anywhere I wanted around the plant...reflectors might get in the way so I just made my whole room reflective!