CFL grow HARVEST!!! Pics UP!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys its DiZzY, well some shyte came up and i had to harvest my romulan, some of you may have remembered my "Romulan in the Shower" thread. Well the time flew by like crazy and now im takin her down. She was about 54 days into floweering wish it could have been longer but, cant.
Anyways with 5 CFL's and 2 flors, i got enough weed to last me a while :)

Enjoy- please feel free to leave a comment, this was my first indoor grow.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys its DiZzY, well some shyte came up and i had to harvest my romulan, some of you may have remembered my "Romulan in the Shower" thread. Well the time flew by like crazy and now im takin her down. She was about 54 days into floweering wish it could have been longer but, cant.
Anyways with 5 CFL's and 2 flors, i got enough weed to last me a while :)

Enjoy- please feel free to leave a comment, this was my first indoor grow.
Yeah an update on the shower shit awesome man! Give us a smoke update when you get her dried!


Active Member
yea everybody told me that floros wont work thats nonsense cuz in comparison my buds were as big if not bigger than a friends who had been flowering under hps


Well-Known Member
Yea, its really just how you use them and what not. But im very happy with my yeild on one plant, using 5 cfls. VERY HAPPY.


Well-Known Member
wow nice grow, if i am being honest i didnt know it was possible to get a yield like that off of floros. awesome :D


Well-Known Member
Very Inspirational !! I'm just in the middle of my planning stages of a closet CFL grow...This thread and your grow bring me hope for quality bud with under 7 or 8 CFLs !!

Thanks !!!


Well-Known Member
Yea man i was impressed myself, If any of you CFL growers out there are thinking of what plant to use i would say "if you can get your hands on it" get Romulan, awsome yeilds for CFL's.


Well-Known Member
wow yeah thats a nice harvest what cfls were you usin of that? hopefully my girl wil come out looking somewhat like that!!


Well-Known Member
I've had some CFL grows, and the size of the buds wasn't all that different from those that came out from under a 1000-watt light. What was really different was the weight. the CFL buds were fluffy and airy, the 1k buds were tight and dense and heavy. The quality of the smoke was the same though.


Well-Known Member
That looks great for only 5 cfls, any nutes?
I can't really agree that cfls can be compared to hid lights though.
Very nice anyway

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