CFL Grow Help 4 weeks old?

I hav a plant tht i grow outside until dark n then take in at night and put under a 100watt CFL and 2 60watt CFL's...its about 4 weeks old and i wanted to know how 2 tell if it's a male or female and when i can start flowering it...hopefully b4 november..this is also my 1st sucessful grow and ive been pruning it every now and then...should i continue 2 prune or will it affect the growth


Well-Known Member
You should probably have done more research before you started growing but....anyhow..

If it is 4 weeks old then it is well past being old enough to be flowered. You flower a plant by simply supplying the plant with 12 hours of dark and then 12 hours of light. It will sense that the "days" are getting shorter and it will start to flower. After a couple of days you will notice either hairs or balls coming out of the nodes. If you see 2 hairs then it is a female and you should keep it. If you see a cluster of pollen sacs(balls) then you should either dispose of it or keep it for pollen if it is a strain with good traits.

as far as pruning...uhh not sure about your methods so i can't really direct you to stop or continue.
i just found out i have a female plant...i was wondering now if because it shows signs of its sex i have 2 flower it now? or can i keep vegging it 4 a few more weeks? and also how soon after she starts flowering should i stop fertilizing? how long should she take 2 flower b4 harvesting? and i HAV done research on growing b4 i started or else i would hav failed again like my last 3 plants


Well-Known Member
you can veg for as long as you want. you wanna stop fertilizing about 1-2 weeks from harvest to ensure the smothest smoke possible. there are different types of ferts for different stages of the plants life. as far as how long to flower... each strain is different as is the growing envioronment it is impossible to give you an answer as to how long you should flower.

and i HAV done research on growing b4 i started or else i would hav failed again like my last 3 plants
i am giving you information that is readily found by googling your questions. Take each question you have asked or will ask and google it. i promise you, you will find the answer. Growing is not hard. People make it hard by not researching the information before diving into it.
I just added a new fertilizer bcuz im about 2 start flowering the has almost all phosphate cuz i heard tht was good for flowering.