CFL Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Looks good! I look forward to your updates. good luck and great decision on starting to grow youll never go back to buying after some good crops!


Thanks a lot.
Hope everything will be all right with the plant.
I have also planted an Afghan Kush Ryder,will update soon.



Early Girl (regular seed) is 9 days old and Afghan Kush Ryder (feminised) is 2 days old.
Light is on for 24h a day and everything looks ok .Temperature is 26-29 C have no idea what is the level of humidity but what i do is i have small container filled up with water and i let it vaporise(do not know if it is good way).I am also thinking about buying extractor fan with carbon filter but after i have red loads of threads i got confused.
What size shall i get,what make (as quite as possible) and so on.
All help is more than welcome.
Thanks for interest.


Member looks like i am on my own here.
Anyway,just bought more bulbs 2x45W 2700 K (wanted to see what is going to happen if i mix spectrums,will they grow faster?) and 100mm extractor fan(not the quieter one) and 100mm carbon filter.Will post some pictures as soon as they arrive.

I am still waiting for any kind of advice.If You see i do something wrong or should do something that i have not done it yet ,please fell free to let me know.


Alter Ego

Active Member
Looks like you are on the right track there buddy. Im also about to pop an Afghan Kush Ryder as I have read they are quite the smoke, especially for an auto. I would definantely get some sort of ventilation in there. Try making a passive intake with the exhaust fan pulling air out and pushing it through a carbon filter. Its super easy to make an effective one if you search the forums. Looking at your grow cab, Im estimating around 200 cfms are needed to keep the air exchange rate of 5 mins or so. Also, try to get your plant a little closer to the light. I would say about 2-4 inches. Especially since its a CFl light, you need all the lumens you can get. Dont get me wrong buddy, you will grow great bud with the CFL, you just have to get the light close as humanly possible to the plant without burning it. Is that bulb a Feliz 125 watt bulb? I have a Feliz 250 watt 6500k bulb with a Suns System reflector that I'm throwing in my cab. Our grows should be similar and will be following your grow. Best of luck to ya brotha.


Thanks a lot for input :hug:
Make of the bulb is Maxibright.I will put the light little bit closer(thanks for advice),I thought that it could be closer but i did not want to burn my plants.What about oscillating fan,it blows directly on the plant and my plant is dancing at the moment,really dancing,can it be bad for the plant?

Try making a passive intake with the exhaust fan pulling air out and pushing it through a carbon filter. Its super easy to make an effective one if you search the forums. Looking at your grow cab, Im estimating around 200 cfms are needed to keep the air exchange rate of 5 mins or so.
I will search for some informations.
I know that the maximum power of mine fan is 180 m3/h ,how much intake fan should have?Should have less,same or maybe more m3/h?
Going to read now so i might get answers before i get replies.
Once again thanks a lot Alter Ego



Well-Known Member
:).What about oscillating fan,it blows directly on the plant and my plant is dancing at the moment,really dancing,can it be bad for the plant?

If its blowing too hard just turn the fan down or move it back. The wind is good but not so much that its pulling it out of the dirt.


Ok,another week gone so time for update.
Early Girl is 16 days old and Afghan Kush Ryder is 9 days old.
I have added one more bulb 45W 2700K and I think plants like it:grin:.
Temperature raised a little bit (about 2°C) but everything seems to be ok.
Still waiting for replacemant of my extractor fan as the one I received was faulty(or I wired it up wrong :eyesmoke: )




Well its great to read your journal because im planning to make a cfl grow aswell 60x60x120 but my problem is that im thinking. What is more usefull 6x 24w (1500 lumens each) or a 150w cfl (dont know lumens) . there is a 6w difference between them but if you put that away then what ?
my box will be plain white no mylar.


Well its great to read your journal because im planning to make a cfl grow aswell 60x60x120 but my problem is that im thinking. What is more usefull 6x 24w (1500 lumens each) or a 150w cfl (dont know lumens) . there is a 6w difference between them but if you put that away then what ?
my box will be plain white no mylar.
I would go for more bulbs with less wattage.If You are planning to grow one plant then one bulb would be ok (150W )but if You want to have more than one plant then use more bulbs it is easier to place them directly over the plants.
At the moment i am using one 125W and one 45W.
125W is directly over one plant and 45W is over second one and the second one still gets some light from 125W bulb.
But keep in mind i am beginner so maybe i chat s**t.



Ok,so Afghan Kush Ryder is 18 days old and started flowering.
Early girl is doing ok.Finally got my extractor fan and carbon filter fitted.Works well,no smell at all.
I am still on 24h light cycle.
Do not know how long i should keep it like that.I want Early girl to flower so i have to change for 12/12,am i right?
Just do not know when i shall do it i am restricted to 1m height,plant is 30 cm now.
How much bigger plant will get during flowering?

Early Girl


Afghan Kush Ryder




Ok,so i got a problem now.
I think it is a nut burn but i am not sure.I have stopped giving nuts now.
Afghan Kush Ryder is more affected than Early Girl.
Water is PH 6.5 and temp is around 26-29°C.
Can anybody give me some advice please?

Afghan Kush Ryder


Early Girl (started LST on this plant now )


Hope i get some replays.



Active Member
You may need a flush, that's a good place to start.

Subb'ed, I'm in flowering week 6 of a CFL, LST, SCROG. You are well on your way to a great grow. Check out my CFL grow if you get a chance. We call all learn together. .. Good luck


Active Member
Make sure the CFLs are not to close to your tops, looks like a little heat stress on the tops. I have my sensor for a wireless thermometer at the level of the top of the canopy, making sure I do not fry the tops of the plant. The 125's do produce some good heat, especially if you use a CFL reflector. Aways know the temp at the top of the canopy and have very good airflow.


So after some problems everything seems to be ok now,at least it is not getting worst.
I did flush them as Jessy2287 suggested (thanks for interest)
Still no nutrients are given.

Afghan Kush ryder


Early Girl


Once again thanks for help,I thought they are going to die.



Afghan Kush Ryder
Day 39


Early Girl (hopefully a girl)
Day 45


3 days ago i changed light cycle from 24/0 to 18/6
Can not wait till i change for 12/12 to see if my Early Girl is a girl.



..i am just wondering...
If i change light cycle for 12/12 will it affect my auto flowering Afghan Kush Ryder.
I have been reading for some time about it and it seems to be ok for the plant.
What do You think people?
