CFL GROW........Night 7 of 12/12....


New Member
jestacrazy..............i c miracle burn in your blurry huh?.........cant even water it.......


Active Member
Your dirt sucks.
slow release dirts don't feed your plant correctly.

The best advice I could give you, is to pick up a $5 bag of potting soil and use it.
If you want to add peat moss/perlite that's up to you.

But dirt is just dirt.
Too many people complain about dirt on this forum.

Also miracle grow sucks.

too many ppl complain about dirt on this forum eh...
yet i see a post here stating "miracle grow sucks"
In my opinion dirt is NOT just dirt....understanding the different things happening in your soil can help you understand what a MJ plant needs and wants.
a simple bag of potting soil will work, (i mean you can grow a MJ plant in a fuckin cup of corn flakes if you wanted to) but if you really wanna get the most outa your plants, you need good drainage, the roots need to have access to oxygen too! you also need to understand PH...... and finally how nutrients actually uptake into the roots...
what micro bacteria are doing to transform available elements into something a plant can actually use.

i have to say C. this is a slightly ignorant post.... even tho you are a smart cat.
i dont want to say dont listen to CIndica because he is right after all!!!!!!
miracle grow does suck
good luck man and hope for the best, you might want to get some more CFls in there for side lighting and stuff..... once they fill out and start budding the more lumens the better. and after switching to 12/12 (depending on how mature your plants are) you should start to see some pistils forming within 2 weeks

its lookin pretty good tho jester


Well-Known Member
Ok its night 14 of 12 / 12... and still only hairs...growing slow it seems to be.. lol yoda?

ook... umm...Have a question.... Can high P.H. in Miracle grow 6 month time relese soil cause the plant to slow in groawth and have hard stems?

What should the P.H. of my water be in this flowering period? I am using vinger and baking soda and a cheap $5 ph tester off ebay


Active Member
sigh* everyone is right MG is not the best to use for growing. if you remember my thread I started for newbies awhile back. you asked a question and I didn't take you serious. I thought maybe you were just pulling my leg. in factthe post i saw on here about buying potting soil that is an option. I mean seriously I know someone who grew 2 4footers under one 2 bulb 2ft. t5 fixture. he got 2 oz. off both plants. he had about 3 1/2 oz.s dry. Hows that for flouro. grows!! the point is the more you put in the more and better product you net in return. the person i know with the two 4ft plants used hyponex just like what was in my post. the very first plant i grew was a 6ft. plant outside. I used 10-10-10, potting soil, coconut fiber's broke up in the hole, and then later went to 20-20-20 and eventually bought tiger bloom. so I mean really the plant is gonna run it's course no matter how you feed it. on this site though some people are callous. just take it with a grain of salt. you don't learn anything sometimes until you completely fail! I read that years ago and never found nothing more true! I personally read up on MJ for ten years before I grew a plant. and guess what lmao? I efffed it ALL up! the buds were plump but not hairy, or "buddy" it's the wierdest shit ive ever seen. don't worry to much about ordering ofline. unless your buying lamp posts and hundreds of bulbs. just get you a cheap three pack. there are some nutrients that come in a black bottle. they have a grow, and a bloom and something else floro nutrients or something idk. FF all the way bro but it's expensive! look at paying close to $325.00 for all the nutrients lol. there are like 5-6 liquids and they are about 15-25$ a bottle. plus they have three granular feeds there about 30$ a bottle. so... you get what you pay for! advance nutrients is pretty cheap. you always want to start your seeds and cutting out in a "soiless" mixture. that means your soil is not hot. hot guessed it just like your MG soil. its a neutral mixture. when you are ready to flower you wanna transplant in a bigger pot with a good bag of soil. so start em out in them little cups like you got and then put em in your trashcan. however I suggest taping them clear cups up. Have you got any green dirt on top? thats why lmao. the roots get the light too! well Ive written a book. im always eager to help. so get back to me. i'll rep you and ive done sent a request so hope to hear from you soon. Peeaace!