cfl grow noo


Well-Known Member
How much light would u suggest for four plants in a 2×4 room I have a 125 watt cfl light otw and four 26watt cfls how much more do I need


I just built one and I have 8 100w 1650lumens,5000k each. I would get 5
more. See if you can find 6500k cfls near you. I couldnt


Well-Known Member
For me, when it comes to cfls, The more the better. For the first few weeks what you have would work, but it would at least try to get 4 more in. If you can try to find a light fixture with multiple light sockets. and use Y splitters so you can get more out of a smaller area.


Active Member
it all depends on your grow area. I Vegged my plants under 2x 27w and 6x13w. when I went into flowering I added just 2x23w. Never hurts to add more lights for sure but more also means more heat to deal with.


Active Member
I dont know if ya know this but keep a 3:1 ratio on your lights. Ex: 4 cfls total then have 3 @ 6500k and 1 @ 2700k. 6500k bulbs are your blue spectrum and you throw in a 2700k so you have some of the red spectum in there. then when you goto flowering you will reverse it so you have more red spectrum then blue so it simulates the ending of the season.


I swithced to two 200w metal halides for veg AND flower with 2 42 watt warm cfls to suppliment the red spectrum for flowering. But when I used only CFLS, I was getting a pretty ok yield, until I got snitched on, But I was using 5 42 watt Warm cfl's. the heat wasn't horrible, but it wasn't ideal. my old box was a shelfinf unit that I took the shelves out of and put a door on the front. pics are somewhere around here of it, I posted them back in 2010. The more the better man...the more the


Active Member
How much light would u suggest for four plants in a 2×4 room I have a 125 watt cfl light otw and four 26watt cfls how much more do I need
i'd use 1 250cfl, or if u can afford it a 250hps, you'd yeild so much more ,in for a penny out for a pound


Well-Known Member
cfls.... get as many of them as you can in mixed spectrums.. 2700k 6500k...2700 for flowering 6500 for veg, lumens dont really matter with cfl's in my opinion. just get as many as you can without raising your temps to high


Well-Known Member
Are those actual watts or replacement watts?. I grow 3 plants at atime with 750 actual watts using a mixed spectrum of both 6500k and 2700k for both vegging and flowering. And my room temp stays around 82-84 degrees.