CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Just started a CFL grow Of AAA in soil. 14/15 seeds germinated and 11/14 sprouted and i was just wanting to know after they have sprouted do you time the lights for 12-12?


New Member
Wow boy you need to do some reading, Click that link that say "GrowFAQ" up at the top.
btw, switching to 12/12 will cause the plant to go into bloom


Well-Known Member
Keep it at 24/0 or 18.6. DO NOT GO TO 12/12 or your plant will go into bloom from seed and it will be very small. With 11 seeds, i assume you got enough space to get bigger.

A plant will typically double in size during flowering.
CFLs are most effective when they are close enough to shroud an entire plant. (within 1-3 inches)

Therefore, you want to flower at a point where it will get big, but small enough to still be effectively grown with CFLs.

I am starting 3 seedlings in my closet right now and I plan to flower at about 2 weeks.

How many CFLs do you have? And how much space?
There's a lot of information on this site. Do some research!


Well-Known Member
Im growing them out with a cfl+window sill untill theyre strong enough to be transfered in to the backyard,hopefully ill get a fair amount of females its from bagseed that i got free from a grower.i have like 8 dug holes in the backyard which is not visible by neighbors and is in direct sunlight path for early to late summer