i would of found him masked my shit up and put that motherfucker in a coma. thats a faggot who does that..jad that problem once till now he dont know my address..lmfao....
True story. I caught my girl at the time, in bed with her x husband when i came home a day early than said. I was so pissed i poured all my bong water out on the both of em hahaha. Ik it was over to begin with. Ya i wanted to do alot more but fk the cops. And dealing with that. We got to fighting a cpl days later when he boxed my car in and stormed to my window after work and beat his ass. He was such a douche tho with lil man syndrome standing at a mere 5'7"when im 6'1" 195 pounds. Lol
b4 i walked into the apartment, i sat at the apartment complex in my car a hour prior to to going in it was 5 am lol. i was on my ipad on free wifi and didnt even notice dudes car. It was like new years day hahaha. I got fkd up. Beer, Smoked hella wax and hash, i had a lil personal 20$ stash of the good numb for all night. Then went to my ex and we took molly and i fkd the ex girlfriend for a few hours. Me and the ex got back together after that for 4 months lol. Man oh man good but fkd up times