cfl heat

ok the minute i think i got it well--- I was going to go by a 200w cfl with reflector and add 2 42w 6500k around sides for 5 plants but then someone told me too much heat. whats the diff if i use 10 23w 6500k or the 200w as far as heat?


Well-Known Member
Well, that's a good question and I doubt anyone has actually compared the two in regards to heat.

My guess would be the heat radiating from the 200 would be easier to manage since its in one place.
The 200 would have more penetration ability however it wouldn't give you the coverage all the little ones would.
Using 10 23w would be a pain in the ass constantly moving them as the plant grows.

If it were me, i would go with the 200w and bend the plants, maybe use a screen to keep the canopy level or possibly curved to form around the lighting.