CFL Heating Problems


Well-Known Member
I've finished my rubbermaid setup, and i've done some test runs with my 5000k veg cfl's the problem i've been having is the temperature is getting up to 100 degrees. I've tried turning both the intake and exhaust fans to full blast, installing another internal fan aimed at the lights, and using a large fan outside of the growbox to try to keep the temps down. Can anyone give me some good solutions that would bring the temps down to 70-80 degrees.


Well-Known Member
TURN OFF THE DAMN LIGHTS !!!!...lmao, just kidding....what size bulbs ?...42w bulbs do get hot & will also burn might wanna try 26w or even 23w...peace


Well-Known Member
yeah sorry forgot to mention they are the 26w ones, i am using six of them. I'm getting 100 degree temps with the 26w cfl's. My flowering cfls are the 42w ones, i don't even want to think about how hot that will get until i can get the heat down with these ones.


Well-Known Member
well since no one wants to even try and help me :( :( i have found help elsewhere, but i will share the knowledge for those that have the same heat issue as me.
I'm not sure how well this will work but i found a cool instructable on a portable cooler, so i'm just going to strap a fan on the side and cut and exhaust port, and attach to the grow box.
Make a well-insulated travel cooler


Well-Known Member
well the thing is that when the heat was at 100, the humidity was at about 30 percent, so this probably won't bring the humidity up alot. Thanks for the advice and if it gets too humid i'll try that.


Well-Known Member
Just take out some of the lights. You could get away with using 3 or 4 of those lights easy. Especially in a rubbermaid container. I mean only if you like instant results.


Well-Known Member
Update, i tested the travel cooler thing, and i've managed to drop temps down to 85. Not bad considering the temps started at 100. Will this be a safe temperature to grow in? Also humidity is only at 40 percent RH


Well-Known Member
85 is still hot my man. I guess if that is the lowest you can go then thats much better than 100. Just make sure you it doesn't get any hotter because anything 90 and above is detrimental to the crop and maybe the place you are growing at...


Well-Known Member
yeah, my seeds haven't arrived yet so i'm going to keep testing to see if i can get the temps below 80. I'll probably throw a co2 bottle in there, and hopefully that will work out, any suggestions would be appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I dunno if this will help you, but I"m planning to make one for my grow in the coming week or two..
DIY Chiller/Humidifier

CHeck it out, hope that hlps man !! Its a great little idea...



Well-Known Member
I just went through a heat problem with my rubbermaid grow. My starting point was the low 90's, but it was basically the same issue. I have 4x43 and 2x13 (it was all I had) CFLs.

When I started out, I had a 120mm CPU fan for exhaust at the top of the box and a 1.5 inch hole in the bottom for passive intake. Once the heat problems started, I cut a second intake in the top box on the opposite side of the exhaust. That didn't do much.

I replaced the original fan with a 73 CFM fan and that dropped the temps by 5 degrees. I added a second 73 CFM onto the second intake and that brought me into the high 70s.


Active Member
BBD - good call on getting a heads up on the temps before you start to grow. Do you think that w/ the plants in there that you will see much of a difference being that the humidity will come into play?

BTW: Love your avatar pic. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Humidity will come into play only two times. When it is really high or really low. As long as it's not too dry or a rainforest your fine my man. Temps are very forgiving my therm sits at 90 all day long and my plants look beautiful if you havent seen them.


Well-Known Member
Humidity will come into play only two times. When it is really high or really low. As long as it's not too dry or a rainforest your fine my man. Temps are very forgiving my therm sits at 90 all day long and my plants look beautiful if you havent seen them.
I wasnt aware that temps where that forgiving! My box ranges from 75 lights out to a peak of 86 lights on. I thought plants stopped growing at 87+ ?


Well-Known Member
From what i've read the "Ideal temps" are between 75 and 80, but it seems that plenty of people have temps up to 90 and are growing fine, my little babies just popped out of the ground today they look great and the temps have been hovering in the 80's. So i think i was worrying for no reason :) :)