CFL/HPS?/Halogen first time grow, any advice?


Active Member

I decided its finally time to grow and am in the process of setting up and finalizing the grow room. I need some input from the minds of experience around here.

Id like to use this thread to address a couple of questions

It's in a basement and needs to be stealth. I have the ability to do mild construction but the end result needs to be pretty un-noticible so we decided to use an L-Shaped work bench previously used for cabnet making. The plan is to enclose this bench with plywood and seal it from the inside, making an aprox 20ft long 3'ft by 3ft' chamber for the grow that would blend into the room. Id like to have a set of 4 intake fans on a baffle at one end, and at the other i need to utilize some form of filtration along with exhaust fans. Im pretty proficient in construction methods so this would all be internall to the enclosure, with flush plywood walls on the outside and hidden venting. This is the first area of advice i need. It really needs to be odor proof, so i was planning on going with 4-5 homemade carbon filter canisters with exhaust fans drawing the air through them. Any suggestions or advice for this?

Next is the lighting, we started the first batch of seeds about a week ago, and planted the seedlings under about 75 total whats of flouro we had around the house. Now that space is housing the second round of seedlings, and i have the older plants temporarily under 3 "75watt" cfls, 2ft above this is a 300 watt halogen worklight. I understand halogen is less than ideal and ineffiecent but its the wattage i had on hand till i purchase the hps. The question is will i hurt the plants by using this for the time being. Im running the CFLs 24/0 and i put the halogen on a 2 hour on 1 hour off rotation through a timer to keep from overheating. I assume because i have around 3000 lumens at all times even when the halogen is off it wont affect the plants cycles?

And further more, when the room is completed, Is it worthwile to have both HPS, Flouro, and CFL in the same setup? I wanted to do flouro covering the ceiling of the enclourse, and a few down the back panels, then 1 300watt or so hps per 4-5 plants, and then cfls standing between the rows of plants. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Next i need advice on timing. I would like to be harvested and cleaned up by mid august. I've read about 12/12 from seed and i think i have more time than that dictates, but id like to know how soon people have succesfully started flowering with good results? I have room for around 20-25 plants and can let them grow to about 1.5-2ft. When would you suggest initiating flowering and what yields could you resonably expect for a situation like this?

Here are some pictures of the first batch we germinated, and notice on the last couple there are 2 yellow spots, and the last picture shows a fan leaf with a small notch that seems to have been biten out. Any thoughts?

And by the way, the group of plants in this picture has maybe a 3-4 day age difference. There are 4 from one set of bagseeds, 4 from another, and another 8 that germed a day later. Speaking of which, since these are all from bagseed, it should be interesting to see how many different strains i encounter and there different growth habits.

Any thoughts or comments about any aspect would be appreciated, i want to do this right so before i build it up i wanna know what people think. Id like the end result to be fairly high end, and im planning on doing CO2 enrichment etc with well timed lighting/ventilation.



Well-Known Member
One of my kittens ate half of one of the first two fan leaf. It looked just like you picture. Now it's my best plant. I should turn the little nip head loose on the rest of my plants.

What are the twist ties for?


Active Member
Haha well unless theres a kitten camping out in the basement i doubt that was my problem, but thanks for the peace of mind none the less.

And my babies stretched a bit early on due to the low power flouro and i wanted to get them stronger so i threw on a fan, but it was a pretty ballsy little fan so i heard alota people say using twist ties in little guard loops lets the plants bounce around and get stronger without bending over and fucking up. Just an idea, can't really hurt anything and it made sense to me.

Soon i'll be adding a couple more CFL's and prolly ditching the halogen. After spending the last 4 hours combing RIU it seems like a quick and effective way to help them in the early veg state without shelling out to much cash.


Active Member
I gotta run to work but i thought id leave an update.

Halogen is gone, first round of plants is now under a fairly hemispherical set of 5 closely placed CFL's, the other batch is under 75 whats of flouro,

The older plants are taking off, and the new batch is showing some seriously astounding results. For instance 3 days into veg ive got 2 nodes on the best plant and those nodes are less than a mm apart. Also the fact that a couple plants have grown in spirals and are set up perfectly to do spiral LST.

Look for pics coming soon, probably in a Grow Journal Thread.

Im getting pretty pumped about this grow, it has the feel of lots of potential.