Cfl light height from plants

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
As a general rule of thumb. Try to get them as close to the plant as possible. One inch is great, but not practical as the leaves quickly will grow till touching and burning itself...
When I used them I kept them about 3 to 8 inches away...

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I think I have it to far from the plants but it's so bright
Don't worry, the leaves won't burn unless there are leaves above the bulb where the heat will slowly cook it.
Believe me - you want all the lumens you can get from your light source... With CFL the closer the better.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Look up strain information to find length of days for flowering... When you see flowers coming on consider them to be about 14 days into flowering... This is just a guess on how I would handle it. I haven't ever used autos before...


Well-Known Member
Those look great man have fun.
When i grew with cfl, i made a hood that held 24, 23watt bulbs and id have some 42s for the ocassional side lighting. Over roughly 2x2'. It worked fantastic, grew the best bud but as mentioned had to be raised and was overall more time consuming to operate.

You want them as close as possible, if yiu have good enough airflow you can comfortably touch the bulb and so can the plant for short periods without burn.
Dont worry about too much light, if they were to bleach it is obvious and just back off an inch. I do purposely bleach some of my strains but i wouldnt recommend that till you know how the genetics will react.
Anyway im high and just felt like talking