CFL ling is an art form/ post your CFL pic / cfl club

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
please every one of the most important parts & reasons of this thread is the buds
please till how they are in comparison to buds HARVESTED under other lights is there even a diferance

or what ever else you can think of on why hid grower hate on cfls

( yes we know hps is the best indoor light source ever made, but if grown right cfls can compete and if given the money yes i would buy a hps light. but then again i wouldnt be growing bagseeds either. not trying to say that hps is bad not trying to say that cfls are better just saying they compete but yes they would loose in the race........... for now )


Well-Known Member
started some new seeds a couple days ago, i had 15 started, one in rockwoll dried out and died, and i dropped one and it broke the stem. leaving me with 13, i started one more like 10 min ago, from a bag im smoking now, not bad, maybe it will be fem. i also have 3 clones vegging till i can get some more room in my flower room. i would normally have more lights up but near half my Y splitters are in my spare bathroom finishing out a hermi, well away from everything else. the clones were cut on about 6/1, so they are about 7 weeks.


That 5hit

Well-Known Member
started some new seeds a couple days ago, i had 15 started, one in rockwoll dried out and died, and i dropped one and it broke the stem. leaving me with 13, i started one more like 10 min ago, from a bag im smoking now, not bad, maybe it will be fem. i also have 3 clones vegging till i can get some more room in my flower room. i would normally have more lights up but near half my Y splitters are in my spare bathroom finishing out a hermi, well away from everything else. the clones were cut on about 6/1, so they are about 7 weeks.

with that hermi do you plan on trying to make fem seed with it

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
started some new seeds a couple days ago, i had 15 started, one in rockwoll dried out and died, and i dropped one and it broke the stem. leaving me with 13, i started one more like 10 min ago, from a bag im smoking now, not bad, maybe it will be fem. i also have 3 clones vegging till i can get some more room in my flower room. i would normally have more lights up but near half my Y splitters are in my spare bathroom finishing out a hermi, well away from everything else. the clones were cut on about 6/1, so they are about 7 weeks.

do you go to harvest in those pots ( the black ones , what size)ands if so what is your avg, yeild, gr8 setup keep growing and blowing


Well-Known Member
not really looking for seed from that plant, its best to get seed from healthy girls it pollinated. it got a few before i got it out. they didnt seed up like mad but there are a few seeds. i moved it out to isolate it from here on, and its close to finishing so i figured why not let it grow out. those pots are 1-2 gallons im not sure exactly. i will let you know about yield in a few weeks when the crop comes in. the best looking plant i have is in one of these small pots and its massive. the plan is to finish those clones in those pots. should be plenty of room.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
not really looking for seed from that plant, its best to get seed from healthy girls it pollinated. it got a few before i got it out. they didnt seed up like mad but there are a few seeds. i moved it out to isolate it from here on, and its close to finishing so i figured why not let it grow out. those pots are 1-2 gallons im not sure exactly. i will let you know about yield in a few weeks when the crop comes in. the best looking plant i have is in one of these small pots and its massive. the plan is to finish those clones in those pots. should be plenty of room.
do you think that the seed on the plant that it did poll. will be fems. or hermi


Well-Known Member
ok i was moving lights on my hermi today and the damn anchor in the ceiling popped out. all those cfls and the light housing fell down on the plant breaking half the limbs and forcing me to go ahead and harvest it.

took a little while to trim but its done, there were lots of popcorn buds on it and quite a few seeds, most of the seeds still looked underdeveloped. i wouldnt wanna grow these seeds anyway with it being second generation herm, the hermi traits will probably come through more. the main cola weighed out at 17 gram wet, was hoping for a little more from it but that will work. there were several other smaller buds. with the buds and the popcorns i will probably get a .75 oz dry, kinda weak, but it was a hermi and harvested early and the whole grow had PH issues what caused mad nute lockout earlier. still i am disappointed.. and hopefull.. as i have the next crop started. and still have 10 more to harvest :)


Well-Known Member
Wow alot of really good pics and also plants, :clap: great job everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are my pics of my most recent cfl grown buds. Great White Shark and Gigabud enjoy!!!!!



That 5hit

Well-Known Member
HEY ............ greenfirekilla420 ?
whats your opinion on the bud type campared to others bulb type hps, sun, and even other cfls i know when i started useing cfls the buds where loose and then real leafy, but know when i harvest they are the complete opposit, thick tight and buddy


Well-Known Member
actually i weighed the popcorn buds, and they were 1.4oz wet so ill probably get a bit over an oz off the hermi. feel a little better about things now.


Well-Known Member
Thank you and yes cfls through and through. Those buds where grown in an old dresser converted to grow box. I have a 400w hps and just can't use it at the time being for security reasons. The stealth way gives you much better peice of mind. As for yeild ya hps yeilds ALOT more but then again with the more yeild comes a lot of things as keeping smells down more than cfls, keeping the heat contained and also having a suitable place to grow with the HID. Putting an HID in my dresser is just not an option. As for bud denseness it all has to do with the strain. My first grow was ak47xlowryder under cfls, buds were very airy, second grow same strain using 400w hps still pretty airy not as much as the cfls but nothing like my GWS rock hard nugs. The gigabud on the other hand was a little too airy for my liking. She was also a sativa pheno so I figured she would be.

The key to cfls is to have one semi-big plant or two small plants. The one semi-big would be a topped plant and then trained into a circle. The bigger higher wattage cfls seem to work very well if you can get them hung horizontally, as for the lower ones I just hangem' and use y splitters. Mixxing spectrums is also nice however the myth that cfls don't put off heat is false they do put off heat especially once you get 8+ burning at the same time. Granted its not one fixed heat source but they do generally make some heat. Anyways guys I'm out. Check out the journal for present grow.....
