CFL or Long tube?


Well-Known Member
I have 2 1 and a half foot ballast and bulb socket kits. They are blacklight ballasts i am sure i can put reg tubes in. I have 2 cfl reflectors and lights. I gotta veg 2 plants right now from clone. What wud be the best way to go? More cfls or 2 long tube flourecents. Thi is just a quick fix not a perment veg cab. It is for a lo budget for one month. Flower room is done with 400 watt hid:fire::?:


Well-Known Member
FUCK!!! I found huge cheap cfls. Big 150 watt ones lol for 9 buck at right aid. They wudda worked fine. They ha d2 kinds right next to each other. They did not say what color range or even daylight. I forgot whcih one was wich so i bought the wrong ones, soft white.. LOL!!! oft white are RED! I am annoyed, now i am going to home depot. lol, murphys law gets my dumb ass every time. ANyway. . .


Well-Known Member
I now got to cool white i thin 6500k bulbs , cfls, going one over each plant. I still need more. I looked at t12 lights beacsue of the size and the price and each bulb i found out is only a depreing 900 lumens. I cannot howver find those screw in lights that let u hang three bulbs in there. I did ee those fuxtures for the wall with three ights. Is that what peeps are using in their journals? DO i have to rewire it to a houshold plug myself. I once eas an elctrician of sorts so i ok with that. Just wanna make surei get the right stuff. Oh yeah, i got a 400 600 1200 microscope kit with all the fixings just now at a thrift shop for 5 bucks. I alsogot a mcirowave presure cooker for 2 dollars. Thats how i beleive u make canna oil.


Well-Known Member
i seen 2 many awesome small cfl gorws to sweat it. I got 2 ok sized 100 watt cfls on each plant for now. They only an ich big so they ok. As they grow i will get more. WIsh i had three in one fixtures.!


Well-Known Member
do a mix , they will give you the best but I would perfer CFLs for veg all the way unless you want less wattage in your veg and put it into your flowering then tubes might be better but CFLs might have a lower wattage then CFLs so check it out first


Well-Known Member
id get a 250 or 400 hps for 12/12.
and use flos for vegg.
using flos for 12/12 esp. cheap ones isnt very good.
you wont get much bud from the cheap flos.