Check this, friend:
Take a test plant, and two 26w CFLs, one at the exact same height, equal distance from each other---maybe start with 4" just for kicks, at a height slightly above the top of the plant. After two weeks or adequate time for the plant to grow so the top is in between the bulbs, move one of them away or closer, but the other has to stay still. If the plant turns/reacts to the closer bulb substantially, Id say put your bulbs closer---up until the point you see leaf burn. In cold enough grows you pretty much need the leaf to touch the bulb to burn, if its warmer you might want to stay at 1/2" but that requires constant moving as the plant grows towards the bulb. You can avoid this by using low K bulbs for the lower canopy as they should be closer to the normal light types coming through the canopy and the plants shouldn't stretch to them as much as the 6500K or thereabouts bulbs.
p.s. if you try the test, you may see stronger leaning/stretching results if the two bulbs are slightly away from the plant in the first place, causing it to stretch in a slight angle deviating from "straight up"
I say this because the lower available light should cause the plant to show the phototropic (plant light-seeking growth-based movement) effects more