CFL question for first grow useing CFL lighting


Active Member
hi i am growing a lowryder in a pc box with cfl lights my girlfriend will not let me set up a proper grow so have been making do with this setup now i have never used CFL lights to grow bud have only rly grew white widow under hps lighting anyway to my question have had a 150wat blue spectrum CFL light on my lowryder on 18/6 cycle for about 2 and abit weeks noticed other day it had started to preflower its not a bad size either anyway when should i change to my red spectrum light now when it has started to preflower or should i leave it until its around 3 weeks old so it has a few more days under the blue light to maybe grow abit bigger am thinking of changing to my red spectrum on friday and start giving it bloom nutes then

Also with a normal strain when do u change from blue to red ? would u get it under 12/12 under the blue light until it preflowerd then change it or would u change straight to the red spectrum under a 12/12

any info about CFL lighting and when u change lighting would be a great help as i dnt now much about CFL and info on lowryder would be nice too thx will get a few pics of me lowryder on abit later in work atmo and cnt hehe.


Well-Known Member
i use blue and red in flowering and vegging.
just more blue for vegg and more red for flowering,
and i would switch as soon as the nodes start to grow off set that when the plant is mature enough to be flowered.
unless its an auto then i would ndo 24/7 for the first few weeks the 20/4 for the rest of the grow.
also if shes pre flowering shes ready to flower if it not an auto switch it over to 12/12


Active Member
hey thx for the reply mate i would use both if i had anough room but in my pc case only rly fit 1 150 watt light so i think on friday will change to my red spectrum will be about 3 weeks old then give it 3-4weeks of bloom nutes then flush for 2 weeks then hopfully will have some smoke hehe and btw when u where talking about autos i think other auto need that much light a day but i think lowryder is fine with a 18/6 well i read it on a lowryder guide hehe but prob dnt matter rly does it with autos


Active Member
thx mate i will and will get a few pics of my little girl soon hopefully speak to u again sickstoner now i now who took that name hehe :P