cfl reflector?


Active Member
my brother is using a shop light reflector like the one in the photo below. He is using a 300 watt equiv. 6500k on his tomatoe plant and so far has had great success.

nevertheless, i noticed in everyone elses photos that no one else seems to be using reflectors. WHY? just curious.



Well-Known Member
the reason i dont use reflectors is because the lights dont fit.
They make larger reflectors for the larger lights.
Some use reflective walls, instead of reflectors.
Some may remove reflectors just to take pics of plants?
They're worth having if not in a box/cab/or walls reflective.


Active Member
not a bad idea!!!! never even seem a CFL grow with 'em. i'm just painting my growbox in matt white now (mylar not easy to come accross in the uk) nothing else seems to work as well matt white!