CFL to 150W HPS


Active Member
So to make a long story short I started with 8 snowcap clones. I was growing with CFL's. Temps where way to high getting up to 104F with 3 fans, and i was running out of room too, lights fell on 3 plants and fried a bunch of leaves and broke a branch off topped for 2 colas plant :( So lets just say I was over the DIY growbox approach for now lol

I just got a 3.5" tall x 3.0" wide x 1.5" deep box with a 150W HPS temps don't go over 90 which is great since i was fighting 104F. The guy gave me 2 plants a bullrider and something else 4 Weeks in to flower but abandoned for a week with no light or water.

So here is pics i have through my grow so far. I have not be checking P.H until i got a dye test kit and it is at 8.0 just been letting the water sit out 24 hrs.

Since I have got the HPS i am getting yellowing to my leaves which i thought may be a nute deficiency I feed them some bloom nutes and it mad it worse.

Gonna post updates pics of the leaves tonight.




Active Member
So My next grow will be defiantly with bigger pots and less plants. I just didnt have it in me to throw away free plants.

Will update with pics tonight. thanks for the couple of you that do lol


Well-Known Member
ph lockout is your problem i bet, plants need a proper ph level to uptake nutrients......feeding doesnthelp said problems, it just makes them worse since your burning your roots. flush the plants.


Active Member
Ok thanks for the help newport and darkdestruction + rep .... I will get my flush on right now. I was wondering about the lock out after reading about the reddish purple branches. I will be investing in some PH down when i get some money. But that won't be for atleast another week. Anyways here is some new pics. not much is changing the small plants "snowcap" are 22 days in to flower. (do they look behind schedule) and the "Bullrider" is about 35 days in to flower. Anyways hope i don't kill'em :wall::cuss::wall::cuss::wall::cuss:

Would distilled water be better than what i have right now?



Well-Known Member
Depends on what all you do to your water before you water the girls. Plus youd still have to test the ph and possibly correct it in the distilled water.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the help newport and darkdestruction + rep .... I will get my flush on right now. I was wondering about the lock out after reading about the reddish purple branches. I will be investing in some PH down when i get some money. But that won't be for atleast another week. Anyways here is some new pics. not much is changing the small plants "snowcap" are 22 days in to flower. (do they look behind schedule) and the "Bullrider" is about 35 days in to flower. Anyways hope i don't kill'em :wall::cuss::wall::cuss::wall::cuss:

Would distilled water be better than what i have right now?
your test kit didnt come w/ph up and down? all of mine always have and i think i paid 6-8 for them, where did you find your kit at? It wont kill them I wouldnt worry about that too much,however its growth will be drastically reduced and your bottom leaves will continuosly yellow and die set by set as the plant pulls stored nutes/energy from the older leaves if you dont fix it asap. so thats the part you should worry about. ive used vinegar b4 to lower the ph before, alot of people are really against it but i never saw any negative reprucussions from the time I fucking lost my ph down and it was still a week and a half till payday. ultimately iits up to you


Active Member
I just ordered some general hydroponics PH up & down off ebay for 20 bucks. Does it take much to bring the ph down? I think they are smaller bottles 8oz. But that is i can comfortably spend for a couple weeks, since i was off for a whole month :(


Well-Known Member
depends on how bad your water is, but not too much, that bottle would probally last me 6-12 months, thats a very rough estimate but you get the point.


Active Member
Oh sweet lol. I was hoping to get at least a month out of it :) I just germinated 2 bagseeds to start vegging for a month maybe a month and a half in my CFL box. Defiantly gonna do things different this time......learning as I go.


Everything looks great man.:blsmoke:

After reading this though, and by your advice, I will be getting some test kits and some ph up and down.

I'll keep watching!!:joint:


Active Member
Well the yellow leaves are starting to die off, and my stupid ass paid for my PH up and down with a echeck not a credit card so it won't even get shipped for another 4 days.

the store is only an hour away too, I sure know how to fuck my self lol


Well-Known Member
You can get your test kits and PH up and down at ANY pet store that carries fish shit...So yea you really do :P All good though just remember the chemical reaction test kits are 1000 times more accurate than the strips and def worth the money.


Active Member
Oh ok I wasn't sure if there was a difference in the other PH product than the ones from the hydro store. oh well i will have to go check it out. And i have the dye PH test kit. you just place a drop in the vial of water your testing.


Well-Known Member
In the API test kit for fish tanks it comes with a vial and a line that marks 5 ml and for high range ph (i think its like 6.8-8.8) you use 5 drops and in the regular (6.4-7.6) you use 3.