cfl tupperware stealth grow

Just started a grow in a plastic tub yesterday.
I have 2 seeds of feminized nirvana blue mystic and one bag seed that i have high hopes for
at the moment there are two computer fans, one with a carbon scrubber outtake, and one just for intake. Each plat has a 13w cfl and a 23w cfl above it and there is a flourecent tube light spanning the tub.
The growing pot is a slightly smaller tub that has been cut to fit.
For soil, top soil and vermaculite were mixed togeter at a 4:1 ratio.
I plan on using fox farms grow big durring veg starting in a few weeks and using big bloom durring the flowering stage.
still looking for people to follow my journal
the plants have sprouted as of last night
there are pictures of the setup on the journal
more pictures will be posted tonight
subscribers will be greatly appreciated
4 days in soil and still no signs
starting to get a little worried​

<LI id=comment_13022 class="postbit postbit-lite postcontainer"> AK Thunder Nugz - 01-16-2011 01:46 PM

sprouts finally popped up last night, no more worrying
still hoping to hear from some people about my project
pictures will be posted tonight​

<LI id=comment_13029 class="postbit postbit-lite postcontainer"> Fuzzbutter - 01-16-2011 03:26 PM

you'll get more help if you use your grow journal thread...not too many people comment personal journals. Over all, things look good, what's the ph, temp, how often are you watering...ect?​

<LI id=comment_13032 class="postbit postbit-lite postcontainer"> bmer - 01-16-2011 04:18 PM

hey guys whats up. things look good so far id like to see pics of the sprouts. hows ur classes going. im still on winter break. hopefully i can make it down ur way sometime this semester.

oh btw is smiley :smile:

<LI id=comment_13036 class="postbit postbit-lite postcontainer"> AK Thunder Nugz - 01-16-2011 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by Fuzzbutter
you'll get more help if you use your grow journal thread...not too many people comment personal journals. Over all, things look good, what's the ph, temp, how often are you watering...ect?

At the moment I am just watering every other day
thanks for stopping by
there is also an airline running to the bottom of the pot so when the roots are larger i can hook up an airpump to keep the soil airated
The tempeature is keeping just a little above room temp, the lights are not producing too muh heat
i can not check the ph till tomorrow, i am picking up indicator strips in the afternoon
pics should be up tonight if not early tomorrow and they will be updated daily from here on out​

<LI id=comment_13038 class="postbit postbit-lite postcontainer"> AK Thunder Nugz - 01-16-2011 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by bmer
hey guys whats up. things look good so far id like to see pics of the sprouts. hows ur classes going. im still on winter break. hopefully i can make it down ur way sometime this semester.

oh btw is smiley :smile:

What up smiley
like i said in the last post, pictures will be popping up daily soon. Whenever you wanna stop by just hit me up​


Well-Known Member
i dont know how to check out a personal journal. THrow the pics up here.

I would like to see the set up. I have a great flower room but want to build a small sprouting/veg box


New Member
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