[CFL] TV GROW BOX [CFL] Second Grow [regular nutrients / soil]

I want to scrog my next auto grow. Definitely looking forward to how yours turns out, seeing as it looks like you know what you're doing.

Ever thought about throwing a 6500k or two in there during flowering? Supposedly it makes for denser nugs, although I don't have enough grows under my belt to vouch for it yet. I've had some 5500k wattage on my flowering lady (in addition to the 2700k), but seeing as I don't have experience with this strain, I can't confirm the claim no matter how good (or bad) the outcome.

Lookin' forward to pics of your scrog man.


Well-Known Member
I want that fastbud!! I love how its growing. I was thinking of taking 2 plants in 24oz bottles and flowering them, 1 male and 1 female. See if i can make a shorter strain my self. Cant wait to create a strain :D. All of your plants are looking great! You should be able to sex those red cups soon.:D :leaf:


Active Member
Wow..... I haven't seen my plants in 2 days and today I grabbed a flash light and checked on em (they're in darkness from 11-11) and my favorite red cup was pretty dead... It's droopy as fuck and even the stem is drooping all the leaves are curled in.. It appears it got the fuck burned out of it... I guess my nitrogen deficiency guess was wrong. I am going to check on the soil and check on the other plants and see what I can do... I'm definitely not throwing it out! My tomato plant was in much worse conditions when I got it and now it is a good huge tomato plant! SO WILL THIS CANNABIS PLANT!!! ;) I'll have pictures tonight, the 12-12 schedule is definitely slowing my fast bud's growth but oh well.


Active Member
You had asked about pics of my setup, its pretty much the exact same thing. Walmart fan, same CFLS, daylights and the 15 buck big body ones for flowering


Active Member
100_0833.jpg100_0831.jpg100_0835.jpg100_0832.jpg100_0834.jpgThanks ;) I failed to notice those burns were already there. The plant is VERY under-watered. I keep forgetting how they are in tiny party cups and obviously need to be watered very often. They should bounce back hopefully. Here's some pictures and I'll have actual pictures of the plants tonight. Someone mentioned throwing in a 6500k, I do have one hanging under the main 2700k bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Ouch. Have to water a couple of my clones in the morning. One was starting to get droopy. Being in those cups you will have to water a couple times a day. My 24z bottles will have to be watered a lot when they get older. Hope your plant pulls through :D


Active Member
I shall!! I'll pick one tomorrow. Here's some pictures100_0844.jpg100_0843.jpg100_0842.jpg100_0841.jpg100_0840.jpg100_0839.jpg100_0838.jpg100_0837.jpg100_0836.jpg100_0845.jpgThe one plant recovered very fast after being watered... I had been watering them once every like 2-3 days. I'm gonna water once everyday or every 2 days now.


Well-Known Member
Very nicely done. I'm going to hitch a ride with the garbageman and come take that fast bud and put it in my box :lol:.

Yea, keep an eye on those red cups. I have to water my 24oz'ers every other day now, they are around day 20 or something. When they are as old as yours, ill have to water them everyday im sure.

Looks pro.


Active Member
Very nicely done. I'm going to hitch a ride with the garbageman and come take that fast bud and put it in my box :lol:.

Yea, keep an eye on those red cups. I have to water my 24oz'ers every other day now, they are around day 20 or something. When they are as old as yours, ill have to water them everyday im sure.

Looks pro.
We can have my lawyer draw up a schedule, You can probably have her from now until October 10th. ;) She'd love to play with that 150w hps xD

that blue bucket is going to yield so nicely
Thanks man!! The screen is going to be filled up in 2 weeks no doubt ;) It's working so well, about 4-6 tops are through it now. There's this one nice size bud spot that won't grow vertically so I shifted the bucket around to make sure the spot get's maximum lighting.


Well-Known Member
She would't fit in my box :(. The plants in the bin are taking over :lol:.. Had to add a second rope to keep them off of the clones. About how many days do your fast buds go for? From start.


Active Member
She would't fit in my box :sad:. The plants in the bin are taking over :lol:.. Had to add a second rope to keep them off of the clones. About how many days do your fast buds go for? From start.
My first one which was harvested early went like 77 and the second went to day 77. The difference was one veg'd for 36 days and the other went to flower at like day 15 so obviously it was a very early harvest. I am probably going to let this one go to like day 85-90. I am really hoping for the ounce so I am willing to let them go as long as possible.

She would't fit in my box :sad:. The plants in the bin are taking over :lol:.. Had to add a second rope to keep them off of the clones. About how many days do your fast buds go for? From start.
Omg, that is so crazy!! Imagine if someone saw that, you literally have a mini-forest in your room :P

Pics in a few hours.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, lovin the bong avatar :D. That fast bud looks great. It already looks like its budding more than my 85 day old plant :D. F'in hate the weed im growing :lol:


Hey footlet,
Nice grow. Lookin good! I don't know if anyone else addressed this. The only concern I have is the temperature of them in flower. I thought 85 F was hottest they can flower comfortably. Anyway good luck and I hope mother nature shows you some good harvest.


Active Member
Hey footlet,
Nice grow. Lookin good! I don't know if anyone else addressed this. The only concern I have is the temperature of them in flower. I thought 85 F was hottest they can flower comfortably. Anyway good luck and I hope mother nature shows you some good harvest.
Hey, although I have seen this said and I am sure plants would prefer it like that I must admit my flaws and say that my very first plant flowered in temperatures that had gotten up to 111 degrees at certain points.. My average temperature is 83 anyway ;) I am loving the growth! Can't wait till the bag seed shows sex so I can upgrade there pot size.

Awesome, lovin the bong avatar :D. That fast bud looks great. It already looks like its budding more than my 85 day old plant :D. F'in hate the weed im growing :lol:
Thanks man ;) Thought you were right, it was time for an avatar. I am so happy with the growth, it's only 41 days old and this big I am going to have a good amount of bud for Halloween!