
Active Member
1000w digital. A bit overkill for the space - ideally would be a 600 or a 400/600 conversion.
At least you wont have to lay awake at night wondering if you have enough light..

I wouldn't even know where to begin.. my little world is measured in inches.. and my lighting is ugly as hell..

BUT.. it works for me.. of this I am truly satisfied..


Nice job on that tank.. looks very professional.


Well-Known Member
This was my first grow. Took place in a closet that was 2'deep x 3'wide x 4'high
Yielded ~5.5oz in 2.2 months (one week veg) with 200-388w of CFLs. This is the bud I posted earlier in this thread and the 388w CFL grow in my sig



Active Member
Yea this is an Age old Question. . which is faster.. the Hare or the Turtle.
That's why each has it's place ..

I am a medical user.. I need about one ounce a month.. that's what my space yields.. for ever and ever and ever..

If I was HPS I'd likely be fighting having 'too much'..

Now I know that sounds laughable to many.. but I don't know anyone in my area I could even give it to if I had that kind of excess..

So I have built my space on my needs.. of which CFL's are perfect for my needs.. they are right on my schedule.. I am not looking for one giant harvest and then start all again from fresh.. I just keep it perpetual and going all the time.


Well-Known Member
Yea. .with Hps you will have bud for half the year :)
That's why each has it's place ..

I am a medical user.. I need about one ounce a month.. that's what my space yields.. for ever and ever and ever..

If I was HPS I'd likely be fighting having 'too much'..

Now I know that sounds laughable to many.. but I don't know anyone in my area I could even give it to if I had that kind of excess..

So I have built my space on my needs.. of which CFL's are perfect for my needs.. they are right on my schedule.. I am not looking for one giant harvest and then start all again from fresh.. I just keep it perpetual and going all the time.


Active Member
Gastanker.. reminds me quite much of my present monstrosity.. like I say, it aint pretty.. but it works perfect for my needs.. I suppose I could clean it up a bit.. maybe some day..

Seems to crank out exactly what I need as if custom built.. but a still a rather sloppy accident.. but works so consistently I just haven't screwed with it to maximize it for efficiency .. .


Active Member
Yea. .with Hps you will have bud for half the year :)
That would be a wonderful feeling and a great insurance policy..

That said, my state allows me to be in possession of no more than an ounce at a time.. it is a law I have learned to function with without any hangups really.. I don't like it, but I can live with it.. I take keeping it fairly seriously.. although the house GOP in my state voted to repeal the whole law the other day.. things here are an awful mess.. they voted down healthcare, said you couldn't help yourself with cannabis, voted against assisted end of life with dignity, and voted to allow regular people bring guns into bars, banks, schools and any other federal building.

It's been a hell of a week here.. but one thing is certain, as long as I am in redneckville I am playing by their rules.. if you know what I mean..


Well-Known Member
Gastanker.. reminds me quite much of my present monstrosity.. like I say, it aint pretty.. but it works perfect for my needs.. I suppose I could clean it up a bit.. maybe some day..

Seems to crank out exactly what I need as if custom built.. but a still a rather sloppy accident.. but works so consistently I just haven't screwed with it to maximize it for efficiency .. .
lol, i love it. As long as if fulfills the need right? Mine wasn't all that tidy -


Well-Known Member
Yea, rather safe than sorry. Funny how States differ so much. 1 cop from Cali would laugh at an Oz, and possibly give it back. in your state, an Illegal gram is a Bust.


Active Member
Gastanker.. your's was probably more tidy than mine in the light dept.. *L*

I just toss it at em .. efficiency at this level (about 6-7 bucks a month) is not a real big sleep loser..



Active Member
Yea, rather safe than sorry. Funny how States differ so much. 1 cop from Cali would laugh at an Oz, and possibly give it back. in your state, an Illegal gram is a Bust.
Which is why for me.. CFL is the recipe.. as I mention I don't even know anyone to give it to if I get excess.. so I just eat a bit more that month.. so I just keep it coming at the rate I need it.. or a few weeks ahead of schedule actually ya know for dry and cure..


Well-Known Member
UV = ultra violet light, very high energy stuff. This is the stuff that causes cancer and gives you a sun burn/tan. Animals need UV light in order to metabolize a range of vitamins. This is also what causes plastics to become brittle, bones to bleech white... These lights are sold in the reptile trade to prevent metabolic bone disease (reptiles need UV to metabolize vitamin D3).

UV-B Light:
UV-B light is harmful to living things, THC has very high UV-B adsorption properties, thus cannabis evolution may have favored the evolution of genotypes that produced these THC laden capitate-stalked trichomes as a built in 'sun-screen' for protection against UV-B light rays.

I have never had issues with using aluminum foil and CFLs. Never had any problems with hot spots at all. White paint works just as well though.

/edit. This is why you want UV : great link here:

delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol & delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol - THC mimics the action of anandamide, a neurotransmitter produced naturally in the body, which binds with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain to produce the ?high? associated with marijuana. THC possesses high UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties.

As THC absorbs UV radiation the energy is absorbed through chemical reactions. These reactions are believed to change the structure of THC into the secondary cannabinoids and vice versa. CBD is the big one for me - creates the anti anxiety properties I am looking for.

tetrahydrocannabivarin - prevalent in certain South African and Southeast Asian strains of cannabis. It is said to produce a ?clearer high? & seems to possess many of the therapeutic properties of THC.

cannabidiol - previously believed to be psychoactive, or to contribute to the high by interacting with other cannabinoids, conversely the most recent research indicates that CBD has negligible effect on the high, it is however a strong anti-inflammatory, and may take the edge off some THC effects, such as anxiety. CBD as a non-psychoactive cannabinoid appears to be helpful for many medical conditions. CBD biosynthesizes into cannabinol (CBN) & tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

cannabinol - a degradation product of THC, produces a depressant effect, ?fuzzy? forehead.

cannabichromene - non-psychoactive , a precursor to THC.

cannabigerol - non-psychoactive, hemp strains often posses elevated levels of CBG while possessing only trace amounts of THC.

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
If you want UV get a good Metal Halide or even better, Ceramic Metal Halide. Don't waste time with CFLs except as A) supplemental lighting or B) if you have a small space. Why anyone would use over 250 W of CFL is a mystery. It's incredibly expensive and inefficient compared to HPS or MH. I hit my girls with CMH for the last 3-5 days of flowering and you've never seen stickier buds in your life. CMH puts out ten times the UV of CFLS. I know what resin is. I know what trichomes are. I'll stick with my HPS and MH. Thanks anyway.

read this
space is the issue have to use CFLs. so what spectrums do i need for flowering? 2700k, 3000k, 3400k, 5000k, 5500k, 6000k, 6200k, 7200k


Well-Known Member
If you want UV get a good Metal Halide or even better, Ceramic Metal Halide. Don't waste time with CFLs except as A) supplemental lighting or B) if you have a small space. Why anyone would use over 250 W of CFL is a mystery. It's incredibly expensive and inefficient compared to HPS or MH. I hit my girls with CMH for the last 3-5 days of flowering and you've never seen stickier buds in your life. CMH puts out ten times the UV of CFLS. I know what resin is. I know what trichomes are. I'll stick with my HPS and MH. Thanks anyway.

read this
No where does it say how much UV that emits and it is not shown on the chart as the chart only drops to 400nm. Pretty sure that they don't emit 10% of thier lumens in the UV spectrum like that CFL (and if they do what a waste of wattage!). I'm a huge fan of MH and CMH but they don't compare in UV output.

space is the issue have to use CFLs. so what spectrums do i need for flowering? 2700k, 3000k, 3400k, 5000k, 5500k, 6000k, 6200k, 7200k
You want 2700's for flowering. These are the cheap ones - I think you can pick up a pack of 16 for $20 at home depot with a 9 year warranty on each bulb. Every now and then I see them going for $0.25 a piece when on sale. I'de recommend a couple 5500-6200's to supplement the spectrum durring flowering and for vegging 5500-6200s. (ideally 6200's but they are harder to find)
Are halogen bulbs any good? would the uv bulbs need to b on the same lenght of time as the cfls or would it do for a few hours a day?


Well-Known Member
Are halogen bulbs any good? would the uv bulbs need to b on the same lenght of time as the cfls or would it do for a few hours a day?
Halogen bulbs produce alot more heat and many less lumes per watt than CFLs. Several hours a day of UV would be better than none.